[Last Week in .NET #102] – MAUIing Figma

 1 year ago
source link: https://georgestocker.com/2022/09/26/last-week-in-net-102-mauiing-figma/
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[Last Week in .NET #102] – MAUIing Figma

Lies Developers tell themselves include, “I can get this done in a week, including testing”. Ouch. 🙈

Dev from Twitter remarks unironically that one of the perks of working at Twitter is being able to turn off Ads. @Carnage4Life notes that that exact mindset is why Microsoft continually fails at Products. Dev deletes tweet. 🙊

Javiar is working on integrating .NET MAUI with Figma This looks neat. 🧠

Do you want to build apps for Microsoft Teams? Garry teaches you how. 👯‍♂️

Microsoft is looking for a Junior PM but they refuse to use the word Junior. Why?🐣

Maarten Balliauw writes about how to create an ASP.NET Core Rate Limiting Middleware in .NET 7 I have a similar approach; make all of your web service resources singletons. (I may have done this with a spell-checker when I was a junior developer, with disasterous effects). 💥

And that’s all I found last week in .NET. I did get to go camping and avoid civilization for a few days, so I’ll chalk the lightness up to that.

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Image credit DBduo Photography

9ed3482ccbb461fbf8796b251caf8f4d?s=49&d=identicon&r=gAuthor geostockPosted on September 26, 2022September 26, 2022Categories Uncategorized

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