Nintendo rolls out Splatoon 3 widgets for Android and iOS

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/27/23374840/nintendo-switch-online-splatoon-3-widgets-ios-android
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Nintendo rolls out Splatoon 3 widgets for Android and iOS


Is... Nintendo getting the hang of this online, multiscreen experience stuff? Updating to the latest version of the Nintendo Switch Online app delivers some unexpected treats for Splatoon 3 players.

Sep 27, 2022, 4:21 PM UTC|

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A screenshot of Splatoon 3, showing two characters back to back, each holding a bazooka that shoots ink.
Nintendo is continuing support for Splatoon 3 by adding new features to its Nintendo Switch Online mobile app.Image: Nintendo

The words “Nintendo” and “online” usually can’t be uttered in the same sentence without a few chuckles and murmurs. But I’m legitimately impressed with the latest update to its Nintendo Switch Online app for iOS and Android. Paid subscribers can now add Splatoon 3-specific widgets to their phone or tablet homescreen.

Version 2.3.0 of the app for either platform adds the ability to use three new widgets: a photo album to see the pictures that you’ve snapped from the game, your battle log to show your recent wins and losses, and finally — my favorite — a stage schedule that fills you in on the upcoming stage rotation for various game modes. That one also shows what gear you have equipped and what abilities that gear has.

If you can’t get enough Splatoon 3 (I represented Team Gear, winner of the most recent Splatfest — just sayin’), using these widgets is a good way to constantly be tapped into your obsession. Each of the widgets is a different size (and can be modified slightly), so organize your homescreen accordingly.

Here’s how the new widgets look on my Android phone homescreen.

It’s ironic and kind of great that Splatoon 3 brought about this forward-thinking online integration out of Nintendo. Compared to previous installments, this game’s online modes are much easier to join and play with friends, and this update is further evidence that Nintendo is more serious than ever before about online. Though, I still haven’t forgotten about that convoluted voice chat solution it devised for Splatoon 2.

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