The Playlist trailer: Netflix’s show about the rise of Spotify - The Verge

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.theverge.com/23374848/netflix-spotify-the-playlist-trailer-release-date
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Watch the trailer for Netflix’s show about the rise of Spotify


The Playlist, a ‘fictionalized account,’ debuts on October 13th

Sep 27, 2022, 4:20 PM UTC|

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Netflix has released the official trailer for The Playlist, its upcoming show about the creation of Spotify, and the nearly two-minute trailer indicates the show will be a very serious look at how the streaming giant built its empire. If you’re a fan of high-stakes business dramas, this one seems as though it will check a lot of the boxes; the trailer has glimpses of dramatic boardroom scenes, swanky parties, and even congressional testimony.

That said, if you’re looking for a completely accurate story about the rise of Spotify, this isn’t going to be it. While the trailer says this series is based on “6 untold stories,” Netflix spells out that the show is a “fictionalized account.” I’m guessing that means the creators will be playing a bit fast and loose with the historical facts in service of making something fit for a television series. To be clear, I think that’s a totally fine thing to do! Just don’t expect this to be a documentary. The series is inspired by Spotify Untold, a book about Spotify by two Swedish business reporters, according to Variety.

The Playlist, which will be a six-episode series, debuts on Netflix on October 13th. If you want another peek at what you can expect from the show, check out the teaser trailer from earlier this month.

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