ULID (26 characters in Crockford's base32) conversion for MySQL function

 1 year ago
source link: https://gist.github.com/kenji4569/47ce8bbd6bef7b85ba1f97e018f34cf3
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vredcloud commented on May 12


This is super useful. However, when I use any of the ULID libraries i get a different kind of ULID that what this produces.

For E.g:- For the same date time.

01G2V2W6DTAY06GA54RXT1TRN6 --> using https://github.com/f4b6a3/ulid-creator
01G2V2RC7S64R0000000000000 --> using this function.

I don't see trailing 0's in any of the other ULID generators.

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