Explainable AI (XAI) and 5 Best Practices | UX Planet

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Explainable AI (XAI) and 5 Strategic Imperatives for Organizations

Learn about its best practices, pitfalls, and what to avoid.

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Explainable AI (XAI) is a branch of AI that tries to make machine learning models more interpretable and transparent. Today’s vast majority of AI applications are based on black-box model designs that provide little to no insight into how they work. This lack of explainability can be problematic when understanding why a system makes specific judgments is critical, such as when autonomous systems like self-driving cars or medical diagnosing robots make life-altering decisions. To improve future safety measures, for example, if a self-driving car is involved in an accident, we must understand why the system made the decision. Suppose Explainable AI methods can provide deeper insight into how these systems make decisions. In that case, it has the potential to save lives (in the above example) by preventing humans from making the same mistakes.

There have been many alternative techniques offered for integrating or employing Explainable AI. Typical examples include the following: (1) rule extraction from trained models; (2) saliency mapping and local explanations using perturbation techniques; (3) generation of prototype examples and counterfactual explanations; and (4) construction of decision trees or comparable structures from data mined regarding predictive features used during training. Essentially any strategy that gives information in addition to input or output prediction data can contribute to the improvement of explainability. When creating an XAI system, there may be a compromise between explainability and precision.

Managing the frequently used high-dimensional data machine learning models is one of Explainable AI’s challenges. When millions of parameters are involved, it may be difficult to understand why a deep neural network made a certain classification decision. Another impediment may be the lack of established evaluation techniques. Because XAI systems provide more information than just predictions, it may be difficult to compare different approaches using traditional accuracy measurements. Introducing new types of evaluation methodologies designed specifically for XAI systems, as well as explaining correlations discovered in complex models, may provide insight into how future, more accurate models could be designed (these are two promising developments toward addressing these issues).

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ModelOps, on the other hand, focuses on operationalizing machine learning models for them to be deployed at scale in production contexts. This technique usually includes hyperparameter tuning, A/B testing, and tracking model performance over time. While there are some commonalities between ModelOps and XAI, such as unambiguous tracking of input features utilized by predictive models during training, their ultimate goals are somewhat different, with XAI seeking to improve human interpretation ability and ModelOps seeking to streamline model strategy deployment.

Consider the following integration strategies for your XAI employment.

1. Ensure that all stakeholders know the significance of describing an algorithm’s decision-making process, including software engineers who create such algorithms and administrators who utilize them daily. This strategy will ensure that all concerned parties comprehend when and how to apply explanatory logic to data sets generated by these systems.

2. Ensure that all Explainable AI explanations are measurable and traceable to data sources; this approach will help ensure the algorithm’s decision-making process is transparent, accountable, and reliable.

3. Encourage users to offer feedback on Explainable AI explanations in a format that can be easily accessed and analyzed by system engineers. By collecting this type of data early on in the development process, you will likely be able to make more informed decisions about how to include explainability into your overall AI approach.

4. Ensure that all Explainable AI insights are context-sensitive and consistent; this approach ensures that they are suited to the facts and conditions of each discussed instance or scenario.

5. Strive for simplicity while creating XAI FAQ; doing so will make them more accessible to a wider variety of users, including those who may lack knowledge of technical algorithms.

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Additionally, the following are pitfalls to avoid when implementing XAI in your organization.

1. Avoid storing explanations deep within code or documentation where users may need to locate and interpret them quickly and readily to utilize the system properly. Regardless of their structural complexity, Explainable AI explanations should be designed to be easily accessible and intelligible.

2. Do not rely on opaque or unverifiable heuristics; such decision-making processes are likely to produce confusion, ambiguity, and frustration among those who wish to comprehend why an algorithm made a specific decision. Instead, build Explainable AI explanations using clear language that gives people access to the underlying logic behind each system action.

3. Avoid imposing restrictions on users’ capacity to explore and experiment with the system, as this can hinder their ability to identify possible applications for Explainable AI technology in their contexts. Instead, assist your users in taking calculated risks by offering explicit instructions on using the software’s functionality without jeopardizing data or system integrity.

4. Be clear about how Explainable AI operates both within and outside your organization; let people know what criteria are being considered when making decisions (both deterministic and probabilistic) and why these parameters were chosen in particular cases. This method will aid in fostering confidence among individuals who work with the system while allowing you to maintain control over crucial areas of its operation.

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