Apple takes another stab at perfecting iPhone battery icon

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.cultofmac.com/791838/apple-takes-another-stab-at-perfecting-iphone-battery-icon/
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Apple takes another stab at perfecting iPhone battery icon

iOS 16.1 Battery Icon

Check out the new hybrid iPhone battery icon in iOS 16.1.
Photo: Ed Hardy/Cult of Mac

The second iOS 16.1 beta released Tuesday gives users the option to show their iPhone’s remaining battery life in the status bar as a number and as a graphic at the same time.

This is a combination of the two previous options.

New iOS 16.1 beta shows battery level in two ways

For many years, iPhones could show the iPhone’s battery percentage to the status bar. In 2017, Apple changed it so the remaining charge appeared as a battery icon that graphically displayed the power remaining. iOS 16, released last week, gives users the option to choose between the two options: a percentage embedded in a static battery image or a battery icon that changes color as power is depleted.

The just-released iOS 16.1 beta 2 merges the two. It displays the remaining power as a percentage inside of a battery icon that gradually changes color from right to left as power is used. The battery still turns green when the iPhone is charging, or red when the charge is nearly exhausted.

Those who do not want to show the battery percentage aren’t required to. The iOS 16 default is for the simple battery icon. The other option must be manually activated.

To be clear, there are not three options. Users can choose to show just the battery icon, or the battery icon with the battery percentage embedded in it.

Still in testing

iOS 16.1 beta 2 is currently only for those who have joined the Apple Developer Program, which costs $99 a year. But a public beta should be available soon.

The initial beta, seeded to devs in mid September, brought in a range of enhancements.

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