UK police are using drones to monitor crowds at Windsor Castle

 1 year ago
source link: https://dronedj.com/2022/09/13/uk-police-drone-windsor-castle/
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UK police are using drones to monitor crowds at Windsor Castle

drone windsor castle queen funeral

Drones are being deployed in and around the Windsor town center to manage the crowds of thousands of mourners and well-wishers who have gathered outside Windsor Castle following the death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II.

UK’s Thames Valley Police say its drone unit will be “flying high and live streaming” to colleagues on the ground who are on the lookout for anything suspicious.

In addition to drones, police would also patrol the crowded areas on horseback. “Our horses provide our riders with a great height advantage that enables them to see into crowds and have a lot of experience being in exceptionally busy areas and managing large crowds,” a statement from the Thames Valley Police reads.

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The late Queen’s committal service will take place at Windsor Castle on Monday, September 19, 2022. The day has been declared a public holiday across the UK.

“Our mounted section and drone unit are just some of the many security measures we have in place to ensure the safety of local residents, businesses, and visitors to Windsor, during this period of national mourning,” the police say. “In the lead up to the committal service, we expect Windsor to become even busier and there are many security measures in place to ensure the safety of all.”

If you’re in the UK and intend to travel to Windsor, you can refer to travel advice from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. 

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