Implement Default for some alloc/core iterators by the8472 · Pull Request #99929...

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/99929
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@the8472 the8472 commented on Jul 30


Add Default impls to the following collection iterators:

  • slice::{Iter, IterMut}
  • binary_heap::IntoIter
  • btree::map::{Iter, IterMut, Keys, Values, Range, IntoIter, IntoKeys, IntoValues}
  • btree::set::{Iter, IntoIter, Range}
  • linked_list::IntoIter
  • vec::IntoIter

and these adapters:

  • adapters::{Chain, Cloned, Copied, Rev, Enumerate, Flatten, Fuse, Rev}

For iterators which are generic over allocators it only implements it for the global allocator because we can't conjure an allocator from nothing or would have to turn the allocator field into an Option just for this change.

These changes will be insta-stable.

ACP: rust-lang/libs-team#77

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