Fyrox with Dmitry Stepanov

 1 year ago
source link: https://rustacean-station.org/episode/dmitry-stepanov/
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Fyrox with Dmitry Stepanov

Posted Fri, 02 Sep 2022 15:45:00 +0000

Allen Wyma talks with Dmitry Stepanov, creator of Fyrox. Fyrox is a feature-rich, general purpose game engine built in Rust.

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  • 0:41 - Dmitry’s background and programming introduction
  • 4:12 - How did Dmitry got into building game engines
  • 7:39 - How Dmitry discovered Rust
  • 8:57 - Dmitry’s experience so far using Rust
  • 12:13 - When did Dmitry start working on Fyrox
  • 15:03 - What’s the original idea of Fyrox
  • 16:23 - The advantage of Fyrox over other game engines
  • 22:05 - Is Fyrox production ready?
  • 23:17 - Games and projects that are now using Fyrox
  • 25:58 - Things need to know before using Fyrox game engine
  • 30:21 - Fyrox’s monetization plan
  • 31:33 - Dmitry’s upcoming features and plans for Fyrox

Other Resources


Intro Theme: Aerocity

Audio Editing: Plangora

Hosting Infrastructure: Jon Gjengset

Show Notes: Plangora

Hosts: Allen Wyma

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