Samsung Throws Shade at Apple Ahead of iPhone 14 Launch: 'This Innovation Is Not...

 1 year ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/samsung-throws-shade-at-apple-ahead-of-iphone-14-launch-this-innovation-is-not-coming-soon-to-an-iphone-near-you.2356589/
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Samsung Throws Shade at Apple Ahead of iPhone 14 Launch: 'This Innovation Is Not Coming Soon to an iPhone Near You'


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In a new ad, Samsung is throwing shade toward the lack of "innovation" on the iPhone while promoting features such as a 108-megapixel camera and 100x "Space Zoom" available in its latest devices.

The ad, titled "Buckle Up," is aimed toward current iPhone users and promotes the Galaxy S22 Ultra, the new Z Flip 4, and features not available to iPhone customers. "Buckle up for Apple's latest launch," the ad says. "As you enter a world where heads will turn, just none in your direction." A world where "the highest resolution in a smartphone will be in someone else's pocket. And that epic moon shot that's getting all the likes won't be yours." "This innovation is not coming soon to an iPhone near you," the 30-second ad concludes.

The ad comes just six days ahead of Apple's "Far Out" event, where it's expected to announce the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro. Apple is planning major new features on the Pro camera systems for its higher-end devices, including an all-new 48-megapixel camera and possible 8K video recording. Alongside camera improvements, the iPhone 14 Pro is rumored to feature an always-on display and a new pill-shape notch replacement.

Article Link: Samsung Throws Shade at Apple Ahead of iPhone 14 Launch: 'This Innovation Is Not Coming Soon to an iPhone Near You'

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