Last-minute intel on iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Pro [The CultCast]

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.cultofmac.com/789899/last-minute-intel-iphone-14-apple-watch-pro-the-cultcast/
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Last-minute intel on iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Pro [The CultCast]

The CultCast podcast: This is the last time you'll hear us talking about what iPhone 14 might look like.

This is the last time you'll hear us talking about what iPhone 14 might look like.
Image: Cult of Mac (iPhone 14 Pro render by Ian Zelbo)

This week on Cult of Mac’s podcast: Last-minute leaks indicate iPhone 14 Pro might not suffer the indignity of the “pillhole.” And that’s not the end of the revelations and guesswork prior to Apple’s Far Out event next Wednesday.

Also on The CultCast:

  • Soon, all your Apple devices will talk to satellites.
  • Apple Watch Pro is all about the battery life so it can keep pace with endurance athletes.
  • AI-generated art is getting really good — and really creepy!

Listen to this week’s episode of The CultCast in the Podcasts app or your favorite podcast app. (Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review if you like it!) Or watch the video livestream, embedded below.

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This week’s top Apple news

On the show this week: Your host Erfon Elijah (@erfon) and Cult of Mac managing editor Lewis Wallace (@lewiswallace).

Here are the headlines we’re talking about on this week’s show:

Apple Watch Series 8 and Pro

iPhone 14 and 14 Pro

AI-generated art

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