Unless I’m missing something, Apple hasn’t named anything with the “i” prefix si...

 1 year ago
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Unless I’m missing something, Apple hasn’t named anything with the “i” prefix since iPad in 2010. Thus none since Jobs died.
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iCloud was before Jobs died (June 2011). He actually announced it himself on stage. (Which happened to be his last Apple Keynote appearance)
Apple WWDC 2011 - iCloud Introduction
In his what was his very last keynote, Steve Jobs introduced the glue to stick all Apple devices together, iCloud.
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Fair point! Here's hoping Apple goes with the AirSomething branding on this one, but really anything but Apple Reality Pro
Fingers crossed for "Apple Reality Plus" 😉
Hard to imagine Apple using “glass” anything. It would be seconds before the “glasshole” jokes started.
iTunes Radio. Still using an existing name. But it was a new product.
i was the dumbest thing that Jobs could never let go. It rarely made sense even when he was alive. For example, iOS has nothing to do with the internet and in fact Apple takes great pride in how much it does locally.
iOS was named after iPhone/iPad, not the internet
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I think that, similar to Cadillac not being able to get away from “Escalade” while renaming the rest of the lineup Apple would love to rename iPhone something like Apple Phone Series Xx, but just can’t at this point.
+ iBooks is now "Apple Books". I can't then switching to "Apple Pad" any time soon though.

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