Our Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 video review is now up

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/our_samsung_galaxy_z_fold4_video_review_is_now_up-news-55568.php
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Our Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 video review is now up

Samsung's newest large foldable is the Galaxy Z Fold4, and it just went on sale last Friday. It's the new hot item if you want a phone that folds into a mini tablet and don't live in China where you'd have a lot more options. Elsewhere, at least so far, it's pretty much Samsung or bust, so how good of a phone is this anyway?

That's what we explored in depth in our comprehensive written review of the Galaxy Z Fold4, which you shouldn't miss if you're interested in this device. If you want to only hear the key bullet points, however, then our newly released video review is just the thing for you.

In under eleven minutes we go through everything that's important, notable, and relevant about this handset, and how it compares in real life to the spec sheet - which, arguably, makes it feel a lot like a minor evolution of last year's model rather than anything extraordinarily different. Sometimes, however, looks can be deceiving - spec sheets too.

So join our very own Will as he explores the Galaxy Z Fold4's top features, build quality, the screens, performance, battery life, and of course camera image quality. Have the admittedly minor-sounding improvements all-round managed to make this a much better version of the Galaxy Z Fold3 from 2021? Watch the video to find out.

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