GOP Candidate Blake Masters Drops Stolen Election Claims From Website

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.businessinsider.com/gop-candidate-blake-masters-drops-stolen-election-claims-from-website-2022-8
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GOP Candidate Blake Masters Drops Stolen Election Claims From Website

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Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters erased false stolen election claims from his campaign website. It now says, 'We need to get serious about election integrity.'

4 hours ago
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Blake Masters speaking into a microphone.

Blake Masters, a Republican candidate running for US Senate in Arizona, speaks at a Save America rally on July 22, 2022, in Prescott, Arizona. Ross D. Franklin/AP

  • GOP senate candidate Blake Masters recently scrubbed a few far-right talking points from his website.
  • It was previously reported that he removed language showcasing extreme anti-abortion stances.
  • His campaign also appears to have removed the false claim that the election was stolen.
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The campaign website for Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters appears to have removed a popular far-right claim that the 2020 election was stolen.

Masters' website previously stated that the "2020 election was a rotten mess" and that "if we had a free and fair election, President Trump would be sitting in the Oval Office."

The claims were on Masters' campaign website as late as August 23, based on available archived screenshots from WaybackMachine, before it disappears around August 25.

Screenshot of Blake Masters' campaign website, blakemasters.com, from August 23. Screenshot, blakemasters.com/Lloyd Lee

The website now just states, "We need to get serious about election integrity," before going into several points to reform US elections, including banning drop boxes and "ending indiscriminate mass mailing of ballots."

CNN first reported the updates to the website.

His campaign site has toned down some of its language around other go-to Republican talking points.

NBC News previously reported that Masters' website removed more extreme anti-abortion stances, calling for a "federal personhood law" that could make abortion illegal even at the state level. The website also previously said that Masters was "100% pro-life."

Now, it says Masters supports a "law or a Constitutional amendment that bans late-term (third trimester) abortion and partial-birth abortion at the federal level," while also affirming that the candidate disagrees with Roe v. Wade.

In his section on immigration, CNN reported that the website was scrubbed of language that references the great replacement conspiracy theory — a claim that non-white voters are being brought into the US to outnumber white voters for a certain political agenda.

A source close to Masters told CNN that the website is updated and managed by the candidate himself. 

A spokesperson from Masters' campaign declined to comment.

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