YouTube’s Testing a New ‘Promotions’ Tab in YouTube Studio to Make it Easier to...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/youtubes-testing-a-new-promotions-tab-in-youtube-studio-to-make-it-easie/630748/
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YouTube’s Testing a New ‘Promotions’ Tab in YouTube Studio to Make it Easier to Promote YouTube Content

Published Aug. 29, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

YouTube’s looking to make it easier for people to run YouTube channel and content promotions with the addition of a new ‘Promotions’ tab in YouTube Studio, which would alleviate the need for users to run their YouTube ad campaigns via Google Ads Manager instead.

As explained by YouTube:

We've heard that creators want more tools to help grow their channel and reach a wider audience, so we are testing a simpler end-to-end workflow in Studio instead of through Google Ads. If you’re in this experiment, you’ll see a new “Promotions” tab in the Content page of Studio.”

That could get a lot more YouTube channel managers running quick promotions for their content, which could bring in a lot more ad dollars for YouTube, and parent company Google.

It could also make it a lot easier to boost your YouTube presence. I mean, it’s not that hard to run a Google Ads account for the same purpose, but having the option integrated into your YouTube management tools, and alongside your video performance stats, could be a big advance for YouTube’s promotional efforts.

And while the aim here is to help creators maximize their performance, it could also prompt more brands to promote their YouTube content, with more immediately available boost tools within their YouTube management options.

But creators are, of course, where YouTube is really focused.

With TikTok still developing its revenue-share models, and YouTube Shorts usage on the rise, YouTube is looking to show more creators that they’re better off building their YouTube channel instead, where they can make real money from their content.

Enabling more direct promotions is another tool in this process, which could be a very welcome addition for users.

YouTube says that it’s testing out the Promotions page with a limited number of creators on desktop.

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