Xbox Game Pass gets Immortals: Fenyx Rising and new games in August

 1 year ago
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Xbox Game Pass gets Immortals: Fenyx Rising and new games in August

August 17, 2022

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Xbox announced the latest infusion of fresh blood into the Game Pass catalog, and it’s looking good for the month. The new round of additions includes four Day One releases and the relatively big Ubisoft title Immortals: Fenyx Rising.

The first wave begins with Coffee Talk, a visual novel love story which launches on the platform today. Midnight Fight Express, the first Day One release, launches on August 23. It’s followed on August 25 by puzzle game Exapunks and adventure game Opus: Echo of Starsong — Full Bloom Edition.

The next bunch of titles all launch on August 30. These include the Day One releases Commandos 3 — HD Edition, mystery game Immortality from the creator of Her Story, and puzzle platformer Tinykin. The final launch of the day is Immortals: Fenyx Rising.

Unfortunately, a fresh batch of games means that we have to sacrifice others, and Game Pass is losing some big names at the end of August. These include Hades, Myst, Elite: Dangerous, NBA 2K22, Signs of the Sojourner, Spiritfarer, Twelve Minutes, Two Point Hospital (right after getting Two Point Campus, too), What Remains of Edith Finch, and World War Z.

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Author: Rachel Kaser
Source: Venturebeat

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