Augmen - Notion's progress tracker that helps you grow efficiently | Product Hun...

 1 year ago
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Notion's progress tracker that helps you grow efficiently

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Augmen is the progress tracker for the people that can't seem to keep up with their tasks' progress. Organize your projects and track progress, the all-in-one tracker works to track your daily, weekly, and monthly task progress.
How creators grow community on Slack, Circle, and Discord

Hey ProductHunt Community👋👋

I'm Reem, the creator of Augmen (which, by the way, means Growth in Latin! ), and that's exactly what this template is designed for.

From the simplest projects, like organizing a small picnic, to the most challenging ones, like selling your first startup, Augmen helps you keep track of the progress of all your ongoing tasks.

I've struggled with consistency for a very long time, and I recently read an article explaining how consistency can be maintained by only tracking your progress. As Omar Itani said, "Measure The Gain, Not The Gap."

I've been working on this system for almost two months now in order to give you access to my ultimate progress tracker, which will unquestionably assist you in measuring your Growth.

If this sounds familiar, use PH50OFF to get 50% off Augmen and begin tracking your actual gains.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK