Chinese-backed buyer of UK microchip plant made components found in Russian miss...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/08/13/chinese-backed-buyer-uk-microchip-plant-made-components-found/
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Chinese-backed buyer of UK microchip plant made components found in Russian missiles

Nexperia insists chips are not made for military use and it has no customers inside Putin's regime

By Gareth Corfield

13 August 2022 • 4:00pm
Newport Wafer Fab was sold in July last year to Nexperia, a Dutch company owned by state-backed Chinese business Wingtech

Newport Wafer Fab (pictured) was sold in July last year to Nexperia, a Dutch company owned by state-backed Chinese business Wingtech

Credit: Matthew Horwood/Getty Images

Components manufactured by the Chinese-owned buyer of Britain's biggest microchip plant have been discovered inside nuclear-capable Russian missiles launched at Ukraine....

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