Disney Plus rate hikes confirmed, ad-supported tier coming December 2022

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/disney_plus_gets_a_subscription_fee_increase_adsupported_tier_coming-news-55373.php
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Disney Plus rate hikes confirmed, ad-supported tier coming December 2022


On Wednesday, Disney held its Q3 FY22 earning webcast where the world-wide entertainment company announced that its Disney Plus subscription service would see a price increase later this year. Hulu and ESPN Plus – two other Disney-owned streaming services – would also see rate increases.

Although Disney is increasing the pricing of its services (from $7.99 to $10.99 per month), it will be adding an ad-supported tier for $7.99 per month. Hulu will go up from $6.99 to $7.99 for the ad-supported tier with the ad-free version going from $12.99 to $14.99. ESPN Plus is going from $6.99 to $9.99.


Source: Disney

Disney Plus and Hulu’s price increases are going into effect on December 8 – on the same day the Disney Plus ad-supported tier will launch. Meanwhile, ESPN Plus’ new price change will go into effect much sooner, on August 23.

During the earnings call, Disney CEO Bob Chapek said that its ad tiers will have “lower ad load and frequency to ensure a great experience for viewers”. Disney also won’t run ads on kids’ profiles.


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