The enterprise ready webhook sending service

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/svix
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The enterprise ready webhook sending serviceHey everyone!

We are super excited to show you Svix, the enterprise ready webhooks service! Svix lets you build a state-of-the-art webhooks solution in minutes so you can focus on your business.

At my previous company, our users were constantly asking us for webhooks, both for consumption in their own services and for integrations with no-code solutions like Zapier. However, we kept on deferring building them because we weren't willing to commit the engineering time, resources and ongoing maintenance required of a webhook delivery system. Then a friend of mine asked about adding webhooks to her own product, and I realized "Oh, there's maybe a business here."

Why webhooks? Webhooks are how services notify each other of events. Think of it as server-to-server push notifications. Most of the services you know offer them, and they are used to build integrations, and trigger workflows using code and no-code tools such as Zapier.

Webhooks may look easy to implement (just a POST request!), but they come with a variety of challenges. The idea behind Svix is to make it very easy for everyone to send webhooks. Developers make one API call and we take care of deliverability, monitoring, retries, and security while offering a great developer experience to you and your customers.

We also have a pre-built and fully customizable consumer portal that our customers use to easily offer their customers a way to manage their webhooks, as well as inspect, debug, and replay failures. This is in addition to a variety of tools, libraries, and tutorials to make both sending and consuming webhooks easy.

We are SOC 2 Type II compliant, and we process more than one billion webhooks a year for companies such as Brex, Benchling, Lob, LTSE, Clerk, Yoco, and many others. I’m certain we can help you too!

If you join Svix today, you’ll get a 20% discount for your first year. This is in addition to our generous free plan which includes 50,000 messages a month!

P.S, thanks Michael for hunting us!

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