All-in-one SLA/DLP/LCD Slicer

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.chitubox.com/en/download/chitubox-pro
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Minimum Supported Firmware Versions

To work perfectly with CHITUBOX Pro, you should install at least the minimum supported version of firmware for your printer. Check the list below to see which version to install. You can take a look at this tutorial this tutorial to know how to update firmware.

Printer modelsMinimum firmware versionsFirmware downloads
CREALITY LD-002RV4.4.3_x1_LCDKEDownload
CREALITY LD-002HV4.4.3_x1_LCDKEDownload
CREALITY LD-006V4.4.3_x2_LCDM1Download
ELEGOO MARS 2V4.4.3_c2_LCDCDownload
ELEGOO MARS 2 PROV4.4.3_c2_LCDCDownload
EPAX E6 monoV4.4.3_v2_LCDK1Download
EPAX X133 4KmonoV4.4.3_h4_LCDHDownload
EPAX X156 4KcolorV4.4.3_h4_LCDHDownload
EPAX E10V4.4.3_m3_LCDM1Download
EPAX E10 89monoV4.4.3_m3_LCDM1Download
EPAX X1K 2KmonoV4.4.3_v2_LCDK1Download
EPAX X1-4KV4.4.3_h4_LCDHDownload
EPAX X10 89monoV4.4.3_m3_LCDM1Download
Phrozen Sonic 4KV4.4.3_p1_LCDM1Download
Phrozen Sonic Mighty 4KV4.4.3_LCDP3Download
Phrozen Sonic Mini 4KV4.4.3_LCDP2Download
QIDI Shadow5.5sV4.4.3_v2_LCDK1Download
QIDI Shadow6.0 ProV4.4.3_k1_LCDK1Download
QIDI i-box monoV4.4.3_m3_LCDM1Download
QIDI S-boxV4.4.3_k1_LCDK1Download
QIDI 6.08 monoV4.4.3_v2_LCDK1Download
Stek X-Cube Plus 4KV4.4.3_m2_M1Download
WanHao CGR MONOV4.4.3_m3_LCDM1Download
WanHao CGR MINI MONOV4.4.3_v2_LCDK1Download
WanHao HellbotV4.4.3_v1_LCDK1Download
Peopoly PhenomV4.4.3_h4_LCDHDownload
Peopoly Phenom LV4.4.3_h4_LCDHDownload
Peopoly Phenom NoirV4.4.3_h4_LCDHDownload
Peopoly Phenom XXLV4.4.3_h4_LCDHDownload
Note: If your printer is not listed here, please check if you are using the .ctb format for slicing. If you are using this format, please find your firmware on the Chitu Systems website . If you don't know which Chitu board you are using, please contact your printer manufacturer. If you don't use the .ctb format, you don't need to update firmware to use CHITUBOX Pro. However, you CANNOT use some new features like Multi-parameter Slice .

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