Does the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 support the S Pen?

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.xda-developers.com/samsung-galaxy-z-fold-4-s-pen-support/
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Does the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 support the S Pen?

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 is the latest model in Samsung’s flagship foldable series. The Galaxy Z Fold family has replaced the Galaxy note lineup as Samsung’s flagship summer launch, though the Galaxy Note lineage lives on through the Galaxy S22 Ultra. Still, as a replacement for the Galaxy Note family, you may be wondering whether the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 supports the S Pen, and the good news is it does, but there are some limitations.

Ideally, you’ll want to use only two models of the S Pen with the Galaxy Z Fold 4: the S Pen (Fold Edition) and the S Pen Pro. Both of these launched alongside the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 in 2021, and they’re the same models you should use with the latest phone as well. Additionally, the S Pen will only work on the inner display of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4; the cover display does not support the S Pen.


Some other S Pen models may technically work, but there’s a big risk at play here. Those S Pen models are designed for typical glass-covered screens, which means you can apply plenty of natural force without causing any damage to the display. With the Galaxy Z Fold 4, the inner display is more fragile, and applying too much force with the S Pen can puncture the screen.


The S Pen (Fold Edition) and S Pen Pro have a unique pen tip, which retracts into the pen when you apply too much force, preventing damage to the display. So, while you could theoretically take the S Pen from a Galaxy S22 Ultra and try to use it on your Galaxy Z Fold 4, you have to be extra careful, and in fact, the phone will warn you if you’re using an S Pen model that can damage the display.

If you’d rather check out either of these S Pen models or the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 itself, you can do so using the links below, or check out the best deals you can get on the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 right now. If you’re in need of other accessories, you may also want to look at the best chargers you can buy, as well as the best cases to protect your expensive new phone.

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