Microsoft Makes It Easier for Some Devices to Upgrade Windows 11

 1 year ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-makes-it-easier-for-some-devices-to-upgrade-windows-11-535811.shtml
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New update includes easier upgrade option

   A new upgrade option is available for Windows 11 users

Microsoft’s most recent Windows 11 cumulative update, which is available right now as a preview via a manual download from Windows Update, includes a new option that makes it easier to upgrade to the latest version of the operating system straight from the OOBE screen.

In other words, when you install Windows 11 on a new device, if the version that you deploy isn’t the most recent one, the operating system can automatically check for updates and download the update right from the out-of-box experience.

This means you can get to the latest version of Windows 11 in a much more straightforward manner, without having to log in to the desktop, set up the account and then checking for updates.

The update “provides the option for eligible devices to update to a newer Windows 11 version during the out-of-box experience (OOBE) when you first sign in. If you choose to update to a newer version, the update process will begin shortly after the update is installed on the device,” Microsoft explains in the official changelog of cumulative update KB5015882.

More improvements in the latest cumulative update

The latest cumulative update preview also includes Windows Autopilot improvements.

“Restores functionality for Windows Autopilot deployment scenarios that are affected by the security mitigation for hardware reuse. This update removes the one-time use restriction for self-deploying mode (SDM) and pre-provisioning (PP). This update also re-enables any User Principal Name (UPN) display in user-driven mode (UDM) deployments for approved manufacturers,” Microsoft explains.

Both improvements are projected to become available for all devices running Windows 11 as part of the next Patch Tuesday cycle when the cumulative updates that will be released to computers will be offered as automatic updates through Windows Update.

At this point, anyone on Windows 11 can download the latest update by manually checking for updates in Windows Update.

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