3D Shearing in Computer Graphics

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/videos/3d-shearing-in-computer-graphics/
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3D Shearing in Computer Graphics

3D Shearing in Computer Graphics
  • 22/07/2022

In this video, we have discussed what is 3D Shearing, Types of 3D Transformation, Shearing towards x axis, y axis and z axis through examples.

What is shearing?
Shearing is used to slant the object in a 3D plane either in x, y, or in the z-direction. It changes the shape of the object. 

The different types of shearing transformation are: 
1) Shearing in X-direction: The coordinate of X remains unchanged and Y and Z coordinates are changed. It is done through the Transformation matrix. 

2) Shearing in y-direction: Here, Y remains unchanged and X and Z coordinates are changed. It is done through the Transformation matrix. 

3) Shearing in z-direction: The coordinate of X remains unchanged and Y and Z coordinates are changed. It is done through the Transformation matrix. 

3D Shearing in Computer Graphics:

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