Buy products by sending a few DMs with Instagram's latest feature

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/buy-products-by-sending-a-few-dms-with-instagrams-latest-feature/
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Buy products by sending a few DMs with Instagram's latest feature

A screenshot showing Instagram Payments in Chat feature

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced today the launch of Instagram’s latest feature, letting its users buy products from businesses through DMs. With the new “Payments in Chat” feature, users can make purchases using the Direct Message feature on the social media app.

Instagram will also allow users to track their packages in the United States and pay through Meta pay. With the Payment in Chat facility, users can send a DM to the respective business and complete their purchase. Upon confirming to buy the product, the seller will share a payment request. The customer can then click the payment option, review their details, and purchase the product. While texting the particular seller, users can also ask follow-up questions and track their orders.

A screenshot showing Instagram Payments in Chat feature

In a press release, Meta states that businesses ready to set up their digital stores can sell their products through shops on Instagram and Facebook. It claims to have secure payments and secured purchases through Meta Pay. Meta Pay was previously Facebook Pay and was changed earlier this year. It uses PayPal, Shop Pay, and a variety of debit and credit cards.

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