Microsoft's layoffs, Airlift's shutdown and Lofi Girl's unplanned study break

 1 year ago
source link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/microsofts-layoffs-airlifts-shutdown-lofi-201609695.html
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Microsoft's layoffs, Airlift's shutdown and Lofi Girl's unplanned study break

Greg Kumparak
Sun, July 17, 2022, 5:16 AM·3 min read

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to Week in Review, the newsletter where we recap the most read TechCrunch stories from the last seven days. Want it in your inbox? Sign up here!

The most read story on the site this week was, once again, unfortunately, about layoffs — this time at Microsoft. While the company plans to grow its headcount in the months ahead, for now it's cutting "less than 1%" of its 180,000-person workforce as it focuses on "realigning business groups and roles." "Less than 1%" may not sound huge, but 1% of 180,000 is still nearly 2,000 jobs...

other stuff

Lofi Girl gets taken down: YouTube still hasn't figured out its issues with false DMCA takedowns. This week, the ridiculously chill YouTube music stream Lofi Girl got hit with a false DMCA claim. The channel is a favorite among students/programmers/anyone looking for some mellow beats to focus to, so the complaints were loud and everywhere. YouTube acknowledged and reversed the screwup, but not before the channel's two-year streaming streak was broken.

TikTok is eating...what?: After years of unbelievable growth, you'd probably expect that TikTok has taken plenty of user activity from competing social networks — the Facebooks, the Snapchats, etc. But would you bet that it was impacting...say, Google Maps? A senior VP at Google says that's the case.

Airlift shuts down: Airlift, one of the top startups in Pakistan, shut down suddenly this week. Employees were told on Tuesday that operations of the on-demand delivery service would cease the following day after a crucial fundraising round fell apart.

DoorDash wants bigger orders: Use DoorDash's "DashPass" service much? Bad news. The "subtotal minimum" on your orders — basically, the amount you have to order before DashPass really does anything — will likely go up in the weeks ahead. Previously hard set at $12 for food or $35 for grocery orders, the company says the new minimum will "vary by store, city, and time of day." In other words: algorithmssss.

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