Boot loop after accidental restart: What is the procedure?

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/boot-loop-after-accidental-restart-what-is-the-procedure.4469007/#post-87159477
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Boot loop after accidental restart: What is the procedure?


May 6, 2021
Hi there,

I've reinstalled my Lineage OS in May and have recently installed the latest upgrade. Today, I was using my phone just fine before a subway trip, then after it was stuck in a boot loop (lineage OS circles). My guess is that I accidentally restarted it.

What is the procedure to repair the phone without loosing the data?

I tried:
- Reinstalling recovery, lineage, MindTheGApps in that order
- Wiping the cache partition, wiping the dalvik cache

So far I have not seen any progress. Am I missing something?

I really want to avoid wiping my data as I just set the phone up two months ago.
Did you try dirty flashing the ROM zip by only Wiping the System partition but not Data? I use NikGApps and its not necessary to reflash it during a dirty flash but I flash the latest GApps build in any case. I pretty much use crDroid exclusively and dirty flashing works reliably. Not encrypted though.

Reactions: teabot33


May 6, 2021
Ok, so I did the following

Action -- What I think it does
  • Install TWRP recovery via fastboot -- to selectively wipe partitions
  • Wipe System -- to remove system files from the previous update
  • Wipe Cache & Dalvik cache -- to remove cache files that have previously been written on startup
  • Install lineage os -- to install a clean OS
  • Install MindTheGapps -- to install the Google subsystem
  • System reboot
Files used:
  • twrp-3.6.2_9-0-beryllium.img
  • lineage-19.1-20220618-nightly-beryllium-signed.zip
  • MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_112439.zip
Again with:
  • lineage-19.1-20220716-recovery-beryllium.img
  • lineage-19.1-20220716-nightly-beryllium-signed.zip
  • MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_112439.zip
Still caught in the boot loop.

I feel a bit lost here.

I did nothing special. Just installed the newest Lineage OS from the GUI and then apparently accidentally restarted it (or it crashed). This should be a common use case. I would expect there to be a guide or wiki that explains and solves this. But from my own Google searches I mostly see recommendations in the line of try wiping and reinstalling.

I am pretty sure, my data is encrypted. Does this mean I am screwed? (i.e., all not backup-ed data is lost?) Was flashing a new Lineage OS & GApps the step that doomed me?
Before the bootloop did you have TWRP installed instead of LOS recovery? Flashing the OTA update via TWRP can be problematic.


May 6, 2021
I had recovery installed. I reinstalled the Image from Lineage recovery. After this didn't work I tried it with TWRP.
Did you try flashing the build you were using before the bootloop occurred? No clue otherwise how to resolve this. Hopefully someone else can help you out.


May 6, 2021
Yes, first I tried installing only MindTheGapps, then lineageOS (last version I had) + MindTheGapps. And I tried a number of recent releases.

I also tried the most recent version and now I cannot install earlier versions anymore: "Current SPL: 2022-07-05 Target SPL: 2022-06-05 this is considered a downgrade".


May 6, 2021
I gave up. Reinstalled everything. Lost a ton of messages for which I did not have the right backup.

Depressing. Nothing I did was special. So I can expect this to happen anytime. I will improve my backup. But still, in the long term I need to find something that is reliable.

Thanks @amn1987 for the suggestions.

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