BRINC launches Global Rescue Network for emergency response use

 1 year ago
source link: https://dronedj.com/2022/07/15/brinc-global-rescue-network/
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BRINC launches Global Rescue Network for emergency response use

BRINC Global Rescue Network

Specialized security and tactical drone manufacturer BRINC has launched its Global Rescue Network, which will assist and support humanitarian efforts and disaster response wherever they arise around the world.

BRINC says the Global Rescue Network is headed by about two dozen public safety professionals, military veterans, and current or former drone racing league pros. That group remains at the ready to support local first responders, non-governmental organizations, and government agencies during natural disasters and humanitarian crises. The company says the team boasts 10,000 combined hours of flight experience, and activity in more than 55 countries. 

BRINC founder Blake Reznick says the Global Rescue Network initiative is a direct result of the company’s work flying drones in search of trapped victims in Miami’s Surfside Condo collapse last year. More recently, the company has been involved providing its LEMUR UAVs and training to Ukraine forces tending to people injured in offensives by invading Russian troops.

“After having the incredible experience of using our drones to help war victims in Ukraine and at the Champlain Towers collapse in Florida, I realized how much more we could do if we set ourselves up for it,” says Resnick. “That’s what BRINC Philanthropy is all about.”

Read moreBRINC Drones, DroneResponders partner in emergency support 

BRINC’s Global Rescue Network will operate drones in activities ranging from emergency response, personnel recovery, route clearance, downed utilities inspection, and rescue in GPS-denied and subterranean environments. Pilots will also fly reconnaissance missions of debilitated or structurally unsound buildings, in HAZMAT scenarios, search and rescue operations, and any other situation authorities and public safety workers need help with.

The company has made partnership with first responder, emergency, and law enforcement organizations a major activity within its drone manufacturing business. Central to that is the LEMUR UAV, which is capable of subterranean flights in zero-light, rubble-filled environments like those encountered in Miami. 

Its experience in those cooperative operations inspired BRINC to create the Global Rescue Network as a standing, at-ready operation that can streamline delivery of donated drones, and speed deployment of equipment, staffing, and expertise to humanitarian efforts. 

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