Avo for Rails

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/avo-for-rails
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Build apps 10x fasterHey Product Hunt,

I'm Adrian, an indie developer and creator of Avo. For more than ten years, I built countless admin panels and back-offices for all types of apps. After a while, you start noticing patterns and extracting functionality to make the job easier. Together with my brother David I took those patterns and applied them to Avo. Now, in just an hour, a developer can build production-ready applications that, with traditional coding techniques take a few days if not weeks.

Avo is suited to: - agencies that build a lot of products for their clients and need to move fast and have a beautiful and robust UI - indie developers trying to test out their ideas fast - technical teams in companies of all sizes that need to build internal tools based on Ruby - start-ups with a lot of ideas in need of validation

Avo runs on top of Ruby on Rails, which in itself is a powerhouse of a framework and uses the most modern tech stack (Hotwire, TailwindCSS, esbuild, view_component).

Avo has three main parts that you can choose from: 1. The CRUD UI 2. The Dashboard UI 3. The custom content

The CRUD UI is not something generated that takes maintenance in the long run. Instead, it's a familiar Ruby DSL that's easy to extend with Rails code if you need to break away from it. It features about 30 fields with more advanced ones like (one-liner) file uploads, WYSIWYG, and key-value fields.

The Dashboards are a light layer on top of chartkick where one can query the data from the DB or an endpoint and quickly show the data in metrics, charts, or custom partials.

The Custom Content part is the secret sauce of Avo. It enables the developer to extend it even further using regular Rails code. You get access to partials, controller, action, params, and anything else you need to bring your own logic into the UI on every level (field, resource, tool).

Avo has a free Community version that features the powerful CRUD UI, and a paid Pro version for those who need more power and custom content. We also provide technical support for enterprise-like customers.

The product you build with Avo is not meant to be this obscure admin panel that only some team members go to in order to update some records, but the actual customer-facing app that you'll present to your users.

TBH, I believe Avo is the secret weapon in any developer's and agency's toolbox.

I'm here to answer all of your questions. Thank you ✌️

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