There aren't enough game controllers for people with disabilities – but we can h...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.techradar.com/news/there-arent-enough-game-controllers-for-people-with-disabilities-but-we-can-help
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There aren't enough game controllers for people with disabilities – but we can help


Allisa James

published about 3 hours ago

The Controller Project needs volunteers to make gaming accessible

A white Xbox controller with an accessibility mod

(Image credit: Matteo/Printables)

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Though video game companies such as Microsoft have been making strides in developing accessible gaming controllers like the Xbox Adaptive Controller, there’s plenty of work to be done to ensure that they are available to all who need them.

Enter the The Controller Project, a UK-based organization that’s dedicated to 3D printing controller modifications for gamers with physical disabilities. Back in March, founder Caleb Kraft put out a call on Twitter for volunteers with a 3D printer to print out any mods on the site and ship them out to gamers in need.  

When you sign up to volunteer, you’ll receive a request from someone requesting a specific mod from the site who doesn’t have the means to print it themselves. And if you can’t print out yourself, you can always donate either money or old controllers to mod.

Analysis: Gaming accessibility is an ongoing issue

Organizations like The Controller Project and The AbleGamers Charity demonstrate the need for more avenues of accessibility in the gaming industry. 


While Microsoft and Logitech have made laudable strides with accessible game controllers and game developers have been working to include accessibility options in their games, many other companies haven’t done nearly enough or even anything at all.

People with disabilities deserve to be able to play their favorite games, and hopefully with projects like The Controller Project's volunteer program, Microsoft’s initiatives (opens in new tab), and other options made available, we’ll see more innovation and investment in this space.

Allisa has been freelancing at TechRadar for nine months before joining as a Computing Staff Writer. She mainly covers breaking new and rumors in the computing industry, and does reviews and featured articles for the site. In her spare time you can find her chatting it up on her two podcasts, Megaten Marathon and Combo Chain, as well as playing any JRPGs she can get her hands on.

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