Firefox enables Total Cookie Protection by default for all Windows and Mac users...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.techspot.com/news/94940-firefox-enables-total-cookie-protection-default-all-windows.html
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Firefox enables Total Cookie Protection by default for all Windows and Mac users

Starting today

By Tudor Cibean Today 11:32 AM
Firefox enables Total Cookie Protection by default for all Windows and Mac users

Why it matters: Firefox's Total Cookie Protection feature stops websites and third parties from collecting information and tracking your activity across sites you've visited. A new update rolling out today enables it by default for Windows and Mac users. If you want to try it out on mobile, it's available on the Android version of Firefox Focus.

Mozilla has announced it will enable the Total Cookie Protection feature by default for users of its popular Firefox web browser on Mac and Windows.

Total Cookie Protection works by compartmentalizing cookies for each website you visit. Any cookie deposited in your browser by a site or third-party content embedded in it remains confined in a "cookie jar" assigned only to that website, hidden from other sites you visit.

This approach doesn't allow web trackers to link up your behavior on multiple sites, reducing the amount of information companies gather about you. As a result, you'll get fewer targeted ads.


Mozilla initially rolled out Total Cookie Protection about a year ago as a functionality built into ETP Strict Mode. Later, it enabled the feature in Private Browsing windows by default, and earlier this year, the company added the functionality to the Android version of Firefox Focus.

Firefox is currently the 4th most popular desktop web browser, after Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari, making it the most popular non-Chromium-based browser on Windows.

In other news, Microsoft will retire and drop support for Internet Explorer tomorrow.

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