Microsoft releases Windows 11 build 22000.739 with Windows Spotlight

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.xda-developers.com/microsoft-releases-windows-11-build-22000-739-with-windows-spotlight/
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Microsoft releases Windows 11 build 22000.739 with Windows Spotlight

It’s the second Tuesday of the month, and that makes it Patch Tuesday. Every month on Patch Tuesday, every supported Microsoft product gets updated, usually with security fixes and the like. Lately though, the Windows 11 update has been adding the odd new feature.

With this month’s update, it’s adding Windows Spotlight. This is something that we’ve seen on the Windows lockscreen for years, cycling through different images. Now, those daily images can be used as wallpaper. This feature has been in testing with Insiders for a while, and even non-Insiders could get it if they opted into the optional cumulative update that was released on May 24.


There are other improvements too. Widgets now appear on the right monitor if you’re using multiple monitors, there’s a fix for blurry app icons in search results, and file transfer speed has been improved.

For the full list, you’ll have to go back to the changelog from build 22000.708. Microsoft doesn’t include that list with the Patch Tuesday release notes anymore, even though it would take minimal effort. After all, it’s expecting users to know what was included in a preview update.

The only change noted in the release notes is security fixes. For the full changelog, it says the following:

  • This update contains miscellaneous security improvements to internal OS functionality. No additional issues were documented for this release.

Specifically, the update is KB5014697, and it brings the build number to 22000.739. You can manually download it from the Update Catalog here. Of course, unlike those preview updates that arrive later in the month, this one is mandatory. You can go into Windows Update and install it now, but if you don’t do that, it’s just going to install automatically at some point.

While not directly related to this update, Internet Explorer is officially dead as of tomorrow. There are no more security fixes coming for the legacy browser.

Source: Microsoft

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