Mozilla Now Blocks Cross-Site Tracking for All Users by Default

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/mozilla-now-blocks-cross-site-tracking-for-all-users-by-default-535570.shtml
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Total Cookie Protection has been enabled for all users

Big news for Firefox users
   Big news for Firefox users

Mozilla has announced that Total Cookie Protection, the company’s very own cross-site tracking blocker bundled with Firefox, is now enabled by default in the browser for absolutely all users.

The feature is available on Windows, Mac and Linux, and Mozilla says Total Cookie Protection is its most advanced anti-tracking solution so far.

“Total Cookie Protection is the culmination of years of work to fight the privacy catastrophe that stems from online trackers. We first began to block tracking in 2015 with the release of Tracking Protection, a feature people could turn on by going into Private Browsing mode. We recognized at that time that browser makers couldn’t just sit back and let their users be abused,” it says.

“In 2018, we introduced Enhanced Tracking Protection and turned it on by default for all Firefox users in 2019, reflecting our commitment to actively protect our users rather than expect them to protect themselves. Since then, we have continued to make progress towards blocking trackers and ending cross-site tracking by introducing protections against fingerprinting and supercookies.”

Enabled by default on the desktop

In many ways, this new feature gives users running other browsers, including Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, a very solid reason to jump ship and embrace Firefox.

By enabling this feature for all Firefox desktop users worldwide, Mozilla pretty much makes its super-advanced anti-tracking solution available by default for all users, so they will be protected without any input required on their sides.

“Today’s release of Total Cookie Protection is the result of experimentation and feature testing, first in ETP Strict Mode and Private Browsing windows, then in Firefox Focus earlier this year. We’re now making it a default feature for all Firefox desktop users worldwide,” it says.

If you’re a Firefox user, there’s nothing you need to set up in the browser, as Total Cookie Protection is automatically enabled on your device.

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