Loyalty Update June 2022

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/06/13/loyalty-update-june-2022/
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June 13, 2022 2 minute read

Loyalty Update June 2022

Our June update is here, and it includes API and product improvements.

Add/Remove points

We extended our API for adding/removing points with two new fields: Action name and description. This gives you greater control of what your users will see under their activity inside the wallet.

An everyday use case would be if the user can redeem his points for a discount or free product without using a voucher code; this would work via API. You can display under the activity screen the reason for the points deduction.


Points removed activity

Member profile

In connection with the API upgrade, we also updated our Member profile to include the option of adding a description, which will be seen in the user’s activity. So when your customer support now updates the user’s points status, they can add a text to explain the reason for the update.

Another update we did was to add a few personal fields to the member profile:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email

In case the loyalty identifier is a UID, customer support can now see who this contact is without the need to go into the contact’s profile.


Member profile

Loyalty permissions

We created two new loyalty permissions, which are Read-Only:

  • View Loyalty -> Access to the whole loyalty management system, but only read permission
  • View Loyalty Support -> Give your Customer agents only read permission

More information about the permissions can be found here.

Loyalty interactions

In this version, we added the loyalty node to Interaction programs. So, if you need to create a triggered program that should work with loyalty, you can use Interactions instead of the regular Automation program. The most significant advantage of using Interaction is the performance of the program.

You can trigger an Interaction program with a loyalty trigger or another external event. The loyalty trigger comes with a payload that includes loyalty information about the user, which you can use in filters inside the program.

Icon uploads

We made changes to the icon upload process. As of today, 13/6/2022, you can now upload your icons for tiers, actions, and vouchers directly from the Emarsys suite; there is no need to contact support. Furthermore, the icons you upload will only be available to you and no other clients.


Icon upload

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