Can I see the HANA deployment history ?

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/06/13/can-i-see-the-hana-deployment-history/
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June 13, 2022 1 minute read

Can I see the HANA deployment history ?

I recently got this question on my desk and thought it might be interesting for others as well.

An HDI “Container” has in total 3 base schemas and a couple of DesignTime- and RunTimer-user schemas for each Shared Key in BTP Cloud Foundry.


<HDI Container> contains the run time generated objects

<HDI Container>#DI contains the HDI procedures and montoring views

<HDI Container>#OO Object Owner schema is technical and not relevant here

As for the monitoring view there are a set of 7 views that could be relevant for a developer:


Most relevant for the given question is M_JOBS. This tells about all the deployment processes that have been done in the past. All this views need the Design Time user to access.

So how to get access to the design time user:

Step1: from BAS: open Database Explorer (DBX)


Step 2: from DBX open the ADMIN SQL Console


Step 3: Validate the environment:


Step 4: Issue a select statement for M_JOBS as:

select current_schema from dummy;
select current_user from dummy;
select * from M_JOBS order by START_TIMESTAMP_UTC desc;

You will see your last deployments. In my case I had a fail one which results in a rollback. So HDI does an all or nothing with one transction.



As a “DesignTime user” you can watch the HDI monitoring views in your specific HDI environment.

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