Windows 11 Users Will Be Allowed to Restore Apps in the Microsoft Store

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/windows-11-users-will-be-allowed-to-restore-apps-in-the-microsoft-store-535446.shtml
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A new feature is finally coming to Windows 11

Windows 11 Microsoft Store
   Windows 11 Microsoft Store

Microsoft has recently confirmed that Windows 11 users would be provided with an easy way to restore the apps they downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

It goes without saying this feature would come in handy significantly to users who rely on the Microsoft Store to download and install apps on their devices. Until now, the only way to restore the apps was entirely manual, and obviously, the whole process was a major pain in the neck in the case of a larger number of apps.

“To make it easier for customers to transition to their new PCs quickly and seamlessly, we will soon test a new feature in the Windows Insider channel that helps customers automatically restore their apps, previously installed from the Microsoft Store, to their new Windows device,” Giorgio Sardo, general manager of the Microsoft Store, was quoted as saying by The Verge, “This will also help developers retain their customers without having to remind customers to re-download their app.”

New ad tools for developers

Microsoft says it’s also testing new tools that will make it easier for developers to promote their apps in the Microsoft Store.

In other words, new ads are coming to the Store, though it’s important to keep in mind the purpose of this improvement is to improve the way users discover apps.

“Based on feedback from the developer community, we’re soon piloting new developer tools to help reach the right customers at the right time. Using Microsoft Advertising, developers will be able to create, run and view ad campaigns in the Store, improving discoverability and conversion for apps,” the company says.

Most likely, the new tools will become available for users with the release of Windows 11 version 22H2, which is very likely to go live at some point in September.

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