Microsoft Releases New Windows 10 Preview Build in the RP Ring

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-releases-new-windows-10-preview-build-in-the-rp-ring-535439.shtml
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A brand new pack of improvements is now live

The new build is live now
   The new build is live now

While all eyes are on Windows 11 these days, Microsoft has also promised to continue supporting Windows 10 until October 25 when this operating system reaches the EOL.

This is because not all Windows 10 devices were eligible for the update to Windows 11, so remaining committed to improving the OS until the end of support is reached is something extremely important for both Microsoft and users.

Today, the software giant has released another Windows 10 preview build in the Release Preview channel, and of course, the focus has been on fixing bugs and improving the performance of the OS.

In other words, Windows 10 build 19044.1739 is all about polishing the experience with the OS, so you’ll find lots of fixes in there, including for app crashes, Microsoft Excel and Outlook failing to open, and Internet shortcuts no longer updating.

Currently exclusive to insiders

As always, there are also plenty of fixes specifically aimed at companies.

“We fixed an issue that affects remote procedure calls (RPC) to the Win32_User or Win32_Group WMI class. The domain member that runs the RPC contacts the primary domain controller (PDC). When multiple RPCs occur simultaneously on many domain members, this might overwhelm the PDC,” the company says.

“We fixed an issue that affects the behavior and shape orientation of a mouse cursor for Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG), Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Edge. This issue occurs when you turn on a virtual graphics processing unit (GPU).”

If everything goes according to the plan and no bugs are discovered in today’s release, most of the improvements that are part of this build should then go live for production devices next month, most likely in the next round of cumulative updates.

For the time being, however, the only way to receive them is to join the Windows Insider program.

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