.NET MAUI - Unifying the .NET platform

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.poppastring.com/blog/net-maui-unifying-the-net-platform
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Unifying the .NET platform

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One of the many reasons millions of developers choose .NET is that the platform lets you build anything you can imagine anywhere you can imagine. Two years ago, with the release of .NET 5, the journey began to unify the .NET platform, bringing together .NET Core and Mono/Xamarin tech stack into one base class library (BCL) and toolchain (SDK).

.NET Maui (.NET Multi-platform App UI) allowed us to finally introduce the single project developer experience we deserve! .NET MAUI uses the latest, modern technologies for building native apps on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows abstracting them into one common framework built on .NET 6.

Check out the blog post from our team and join us at Microsoft Build 2022where we’ll give you a tour of all the updates for building native apps for any device with .NET and Visual Studio.

Introducing .NET Multi-platform App UI

This represents a lot of energy, time and collaboration across multiple teams, and I am super excited about what this means for the millions of developers we serve.

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