Microsoft Build is on us once again - here's what you need to know

 2 years ago
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Microsoft Build is on us once again - here's what you need to know

May 23, 2022 by Kip Kniskern

On May 24-26, Microsoft Build is on us once again, and once again it will be a virtual event. As usual, the conference will kick off with a series of keynotes followed by deep dive sessions, and in its virtual capacity Build is able to offer a number of added perks as well (although no free t-shirts or stickers, alas).

Unlike the pre-pandemic Builds, but similar to those after 2020, Build is free for participants, you only need to register. Once you're signed up and logged in, there's lots to do. You can check out regional spotlights, with language specific mini-sites for France, Germany, Japan, Latin America, and new this year, the UK. You'll want to go through the sessions and create your own schedule, choosing from developer focused sessions on Azure, Teams, Windows and more, keynotes, and breakout sessions.

You can also check out the Connection Zone, where you can interact with experts and peers, with Ask the Experts sessions, one on one consultations, and ways to network and connect with others in your locality.

There's also the Learning Zone, where you can dig deeper into Microsoft's Learning Zone, a Cloud Skills Challenge, and the Imagine Cup, whether you're just getting started in tech or want to develop your career.

As usual, the conference will kick off with a keynote headed by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, and featured speakers for the event include CTO Kevin Scott, Cloud & AI EVP Scott Guthrie, Panos Panay, and Amanda Silver, CVP and Head of Product Developer Division.

Throughout build, you'll learn more about Azure, Microsoft 365 and Teams, Windows, and preparing for the Metaverse. Remember to stay tuned to OnMSFT.com for all the latest news and info coming out of Build, and make sure to register for the event to get the most that Microsoft has to offer.

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