Alibaba Cloud launches its fifth European data center in Frankfurt - PingWest

 2 years ago
source link: https://en.pingwest.com/a/10201
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Alibaba Cloud launches its fifth European data center in FrankfurtAlibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud launches its fifth European data center in Frankfurt

Zijing Fu

posted on May 19, 2022 2:43 am

Alibaba currently has 3 data centers in Germany, 5 data centers in Europe and operates in 84 zones globally, covering 27 geographic nodes.

On May 17, Alibaba Cloud announced that it has launched a new data center in Frankfurt, Germany. With the addition, Alibaba currently has 3 data centers in Germany, 5 data centers in Europe and operates in 84 zones globally, covering 27 geographic nodes.

Alibaba Cloud set up its first data center in Germany in 2016. The company has since established local teams across Europe, in locations inducing Germany, UK, and France, providing services such as data storage, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to a range of enterprise customers including Siemens, SAP, and Schneider. Alibaba Cloud offers services in various industries such as automotive, manufacturing, retail and gaming, etc. Previously, Alibaba Cloud’s Frankfurt node has supported the global broadcast of the Tokyo Olympics and the Beijing Winter Olympics. Alibaba Cloud will continue to provide broadcasting support for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

After the opening of the third German data center, Alibaba Cloud will provide more cloud computing products in the European market, to not only serve European enterprises, but also to provide cloud technology support for Chinese enterprises which intends to expand to Europe. The company is currently promoting its partner program, recruiting partners and collaborators in several European countries to better tap into local markets.

In recent years, Alibaba Cloud has achieved rapid growth in overseas markets. In the past three years, its presence in the overseas market increased more than 10 times, constantly ranking among the top cloud service providers in the Asia Pacific.

"We will continue to increase our investment in overseas markets, promote digital transformation with local partners and customers, and share our experience and serve customers in more markets,” said Yuan Qian, general manager of AliCloud Intelligence International Division. Globalization has strategic significance for Alibaba Cloud, since serving more enterprises in the global market can help Alibaba test its capability and maintain observation for cutting-edge innovations, according to Yuan.

Alibaba Cloud ranked third in the global cloud computing market in 2021, with a market share of 9.55%, according to Gartner. It is also the most prominent player in China, with a market share of 37% in 2021, per Canalys.

Cover image by Sigmund on Unsplash.


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