Tencent Cloud launches its first data center in South America - PingWest

 2 years ago
source link: https://en.pingwest.com/w/9581
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Tencent Cloud launches its first data center in South America

Tencent Cloud launches its first data center in South America

2 hours ago

Tencent Cloud, the cloud computing unit of Tencent Holding, has opened its first data center in South America, located in São Paulo, Brazil.

The addition of the new data center to Tencent’s cloud marks its official entry to South American market, Tencent Cloud so far covers 68 available zones worldwide, spanning 27 geographical areas.

With new data center, Tencent said it will provide customized cloud computing, storage, big data, AI, security and other cloud services for Brazilian and other Latin American customers. The company’s entry into Brazil can also help Brazilian companies to expand their businesses into China.

According to analysis of IDC, the total investment and spending public cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is expected to reach US$3 billion in 2021 in Brazil.

São Paulo is the largest city in South America, it also has the largest bandwidth resources in South America that allow it to play key role in the digitalization transformation in Brazil and neighboring countries.

Tencent Cloud will face intense competition from rivals like AWS, Microsoft, Google Cloud and Oracle in South America . Huawei also has built up major presence in the region with nine availability zones in the regions, including two in Brazil, two in Chile, two in Peru, two in Mexico and one in Argentina.


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