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1 database

database模块提供了bitcoin存储相关功能,通过多层缓存,逻辑上分成metadata和flat block files两部分存储。

1.1 database/*

1.1.1 interface.go

interface.go 定义了database包对外提供的类型和方法 主要包括4块: DB, TX, Bucket, Cursor 四个部分。


  1. DB提供了整体数据库的功能,存储的数据大体上分成元数据和区块数据。
  2. Tx是操作DB获取数据和状态变化的途径(可以提供原子性等),
  3. Bucket是DB存储的元数据的容易,以一些列键值对方式存储。
  4. Cursor是遍历Bucket里键值对的手段。
  1. DB
    // DB通过接口和具体实现分隔开
    type DB interface {
        // 返回databse driver类型
        Type() string
        // 开始一个数据库事务
        Begin(writable bool) (Tx, error)
        // 在一个只读的事务里执行传入的方法
        View(fn func(tx Tx) error) error
        // 在一个读写的事务里执行传入的方法
        Update(fn func(tx Tx) error) error
        // 关闭数据库
        Close() error
  2. Tx
    // 数据库事务接口
    // database在存储数据时,分为metadata数据存储和通常的block文件存储
    type Tx interface {
        // 返回元数据
        Metadata() Bucket
        // 存储区块
        StoreBlock(block *btcutil.Block) error
        // 检查区块是否存在
        HasBlock(hash *chainhash.Hash) (bool, error)
        HasBlocks(hashes []chainhash.Hash) ([]bool, error)
        // 获取区块头数据
        FetchBlockHeader(hash *chainhash.Hash) ([]byte, error)
        FetchBlockHeaders(hashes []chainhash.Hash) ([][]byte, error)
        // 获取区块数据
        FetchBlock(hash *chainhash.Hash) ([]byte, error)
        FetchBlocks(hashes []chainhash.Hash) ([][]byte, error)
        // 获取某部分区块数据
        FetchBlockRegion(region *BlockRegion) ([]byte, error)
        FetchBlockRegions(regions []BlockRegion) ([][]byte, error)
        // 提交(元数据和区块存储)事务
        Commit() error
        // 回滚(元数据和区块存储)事务
        Rollback() error
  3. Bucket
    // Bucket 表示一系列的键值对存储
    type Bucket interface {
        // 返回一个子bucket
        Bucket(key []byte) Bucket
        // 创建子bucket
        CreateBucket(key []byte) (Bucket, error)
        CreateBucketIfNotExists(key []byte) (Bucket, error)
        // 删除bucket
        DeleteBucket(key []byte) error
        // 遍历键值对
        ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error) error
        // 遍历子bucket
        ForEachBucket(func(k []byte) error) error
        // 返回键值对之间遍历的游标
        Cursor() Cursor
        // bucket是否可写
        Writable() bool
        // 保存、获取、删除键值对
        Put(key, value []byte) error
        Get(key []byte) []byte
        Delete(key []byte) error
  4. Cursor
    type Cursor interface {
        // 返回关联的bucket
        Bucket() Bucket
        // 如其名
        Delete() error
        First() bool
        Last() bool
        Next() bool
        Prev() bool
        Seek(seek []byte) bool
        Key() []byte
        Value() []byte

1.1.2 driver.go


type Driver struct {
    // 返回driver类型
    DbType string
    // 创建一个DB
    Create func(args ...interface{}) (DB, error)
    // 打开DB
    Open func(args ...interface{}) (DB, error)
    // 日志相关
    UseLogger func(logger btclog.Logger)

1.2 database/ffldb


1.2.1 db.go

对 database/interface.go 里 DB,Tx,Bucket,Cursor 接口的实现.

  1. db

    db结构主要是分成两个部分: store 和 cache store部分用文件来保存区块信息, cache部分是用leveldb来保存一些区块和整体的一些元数据。

    type db struct {
        writeLock sync.Mutex   // Limit to one write transaction at a time.
        closeLock sync.RWMutex // Make database close block while txns active.
        closed    bool         // Is the database closed?
        store     *blockStore  // Handles read/writing blocks to flat files.
        cache     *dbCache     // Cache layer which wraps underlying leveldb DB.
  2. transaction

    transation表示了每个db操作的事务的概念,采用 pendingBlocks, pendingBlockData 来缓存事务里的block数据,用 pendingKeys, pendingRemove 来缓存事务里的metadata数据

    // transaction represents a database transaction.  It can either be read-only or
    // read-write and implements the database.Bucket interface.  The transaction
    // provides a root bucket against which all read and writes occur.
    type transaction struct {
            managed        bool             // Is the transaction managed?
            closed         bool             // Is the transaction closed?
            writable       bool             // Is the transaction writable?
            db             *db              // DB instance the tx was created from.
            snapshot       *dbCacheSnapshot // Underlying snapshot for txns.
            metaBucket     *bucket          // The root metadata bucket.
            blockIdxBucket *bucket          // The block index bucket.
            // Blocks that need to be stored on commit.  The pendingBlocks map is
            // kept to allow quick lookups of pending data by block hash.
            pendingBlocks    Map[chainhash.Hash]int
            pendingBlockData []pendingBlock
            // Keys that need to be stored or deleted on commit.
            pendingKeys   *treap.Mutable
            pendingRemove *treap.Mutable
            // Active iterators that need to be notified when the pending keys have
            // been updated so the cursors can properly handle updates to the
            // transaction state.
            activeIterLock sync.RWMutex
            activeIters    []*treap.Iterator
  3. bucket

    bucket通过操作关联的transaction上的 pending_keys, pending_remove 来实现其 Put,Get,Delete,ForEach 等接口方法。

    type bucket struct {
        tx *transaction
        id [4]byte

    bucket通过 Cursor() 方法来生成Cursor对象

    func (b *bucket) Cursor() database.Cursor {
            // Ensure transaction state is valid.
            if err := b.tx.checkClosed(); err != nil {
                    return &cursor{bucket: b}
            // Create the cursor and setup a runtime finalizer to ensure the
            // iterators are released when the cursor is garbage collected.
            c := newCursor(b, b.id[:], ctFull)
            runtime.SetFinalizer(c, cursorFinalizer)
            return c
    // newCursor 方法本质是创建键值对的iterators
  4. cursor

    cursor是上面bucket创建的各种iterators的组合,然后再其基础上实现 Cursor 接口所需的 First,Last,Next 等遍历方法。

    // cursor is an internal type used to represent a cursor over key/value pairs
    // and nested buckets of a bucket and implements the database.Cursor interface.
    type cursor struct {
        bucket      *bucket
        dbIter      iterator.Iterator
        pendingIter iterator.Iterator
        currentIter iterator.Iterator

1.2.2 blockio.go


// blockStore houses information used to handle reading and writing blocks (and
// part of blocks) into flat files with support for multiple concurrent readers.
type blockStore struct {
        // network is the specific network to use in the flat files for each
        // block.
        network wire.BitcoinNet

        // 文件存放目录
        // basePath is the base path used for the flat block files and metadata.
        basePath string

        // 每个文件最大存储blocks数量
        // maxBlockFileSize is the maximum size for each file used to store
        // blocks.  It is defined on the store so the whitebox tests can
        // override the value.
        maxBlockFileSize uint32

        // 一些缓存记录和并发控制
        obfMutex         sync.RWMutex
        lruMutex         sync.Mutex
        openBlocksLRU    *list.List // Contains uint32 block file numbers.
        fileNumToLRUElem map[uint32]*list.Element
        openBlockFiles   map[uint32]*lockableFile

        // 读写文件的油表
        // writeCursor houses the state for the current file and location that
        // new blocks are written to.
        writeCursor *writeCursor

        // 操作底层存储文件的方法
        // These functions are set to openFile, openWriteFile, and deleteFile by
        // default, but are exposed here to allow the whitebox tests to replace
        // them when working with mock files.
        openFileFunc      func(fileNum uint32) (*lockableFile, error)
        openWriteFileFunc func(fileNum uint32) (filer, error)
        deleteFileFunc    func(fileNum uint32) error

1.2.3 dbcache.go

dbcache.go 里主要的结构有 dbCachedbCacheSnapshot


type dbCache struct {
    // 底层存储的leveldb
    // ldb is the underlying leveldb DB for metadata.
    ldb *leveldb.DB

    // store is used to sync blocks to flat files.
    store *blockStore

    // 缓存大小和时间相关
    maxSize       uint64
    flushInterval time.Duration
    lastFlush     time.Time

    // 缓存
    cacheLock    sync.RWMutex
    cachedKeys   *treap.Immutable
    cachedRemove *treap.Immutable


// dbCacheSnapshot defines a snapshot of the database cache and underlying
// database at a particular point in time.
type dbCacheSnapshot struct {
    dbSnapshot    *leveldb.Snapshot
    pendingKeys   *treap.Immutable
    pendingRemove *treap.Immutable

1.2.4 其它

  • driver.go: 对database/driver.go的里的Driver类型的实现。
  • ldbtreapiter.go: 相关iterators的包装层
  • reconcile.go: 保证metadata和flat block files一致性的一些操作

1.3 internal/treap


Treap(Tree + Heap)是一种平衡二叉树, 不过Treap会记录一个优先级(一般来说是随机生成),即Treap在以关键码构成二叉搜索树的同时,还会按照优先级的高低满足堆的性质。


所以对于结点上的关键字来说,它是一颗BST,而对于结点上的优先级来讲,它是一个小顶堆。其平均查找长度为 O(logn) 。

Treap有插入、删除、旋转和查询等基本操作,进而可以实现查询第 k 大和查询关键字 x 排名等功能。

1.3.1 common.go

包含了实现treap的基本数据结构: treapNodeparentStack :

// treapNode represents a node in the treap.
type treapNode struct {
    key      []byte
    value    []byte
    priority int
    left     *treapNode
    right    *treapNode

type parentStack struct {
    index    int
    items    [staticDepth]*treapNode
    overflow []*treapNode

1.3.2 mutable.go, imutable.go

分别实现了可变的treap和不可变的treap。 不可变的treap每次插入或者删除均返回新的treap。 两者均实现了: Len, Size, Has, Get, Put, Delete, ForEach 等方法用来实现对treap的基本操作

1.3.3 treapiter.go

实现了对treap的遍历方法,包括: First,Last, Next, Prev,Seek,Key, Value, Valid, ForceReseek

1.4 cmd/dbtool


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