Install & Configure Azure CLI

 2 years ago
source link: https://kenanbek.medium.com/install-configure-azure-cli-af72245ee07c
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Install & Configure Azure CLI

This short tutorial covers topics like install Azure CLI, log in so you can use command via terminal and select account/subscription.

First, install Azure CLI:

brew update && brew install azure-cli

Then, log in to your Azure account by executing the following command:

az login

This command will open a browser window where you can sign to Azure. If the login was successful you will see a list of your current subscriptions.

"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"id": "subscripion1-id",
"isDefault": true,
"name": "Pay-As-You-Go",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "tenant-id",
"user": {
"name": "your-account-id-or-email",
"type": "user"
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"id": "subscription2-id",
"isDefault": false,
"name": "Pay-As-You-Go",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "tenant-id",
"user": {
"name": "your-account-id-or-email",
"type": "user"

I have 2 subscriptions so for me it’s 2 items. You can output this data any time by typing az account list or az account list — output table for table output.

Now, it is important that you select correct subscription so you can see related resources in this subscription. To do so, execute:

az account set --subscription <enter-your-subscription-id>

To check if it works or not you can list your current resources in the selected subscription:

az resource list# oraz resource list --output table

Finally, if you want to see details of the subscription you can use the following command:

az account show -s <enter-subscription-id-or-name>

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