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2020-06-05 约 2941 字 预计阅读 6 分钟




>>> a = 'abc'
>>> typeof(a) === 'str'
>>> a2 = b'abc'
>>> typeof(a2) === 'str'
>>> b = u'中国'
>>> typeof(b) === 'unicode'


>>> hi = u"今天" + "天气真好"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe5 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)



#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-



这个问题在python3中有了较好的方案,所有代码中出现的字面值字符串都是统一unicode码序列,其类型为str,这个str类型与python2中的str类型有本质区别,类似于python2中的unicode类型。而且python3中sys.getdefaultencoding()已经与时俱进地改为了utf-8。其实在python2中也可以采用这个方案,那就是使用from __future__ import unicode_literals,这个在之前的博文中有提到过,参见写py2py3兼容的代码



dict的.keys()、.items 和.values()方法返回迭代器,而之前的iterkeys()等函数都被废弃。同时去掉的还有 dict.has_key(),用 in替代它。


  • six.iterkeys(dictionary, **kwargs)

    Returns an iterator over dictionary‘s keys. This replaces dictionary.iterkeys() on Python 2 and dictionary.keys() on Python 3. kwargs are passed through to the underlying method.

  • six.itervalues(dictionary, **kwargs)

    Returns an iterator over dictionary‘s values. This replaces dictionary.itervalues() on Python 2 and dictionary.values() on Python 3. kwargs are passed through to the underlying method.

  • six.iteritems(dictionary, **kwargs)

    Returns an iterator over dictionary‘s items. This replaces dictionary.iteritems() on Python 2 and dictionary.items() on Python 3. kwargs are passed through to the underlying method.

  • six.iterlists(dictionary, **kwargs)

    Calls dictionary.iterlists() on Python 2 and dictionary.lists() on Python 3. No builtin Python mapping type has such a method; this method is intended for use with multi-valued dictionaries like Werkzeug’s.kwargs are passed through to the underlying method.

  • six.viewkeys(dictionary)

    Return a view over dictionary‘s keys. This replaces dict.viewkeys() on Python 2.7 and dict.keys() on Python 3.

  • six.viewvalues(dictionary)

    Return a view over dictionary‘s values. This replaces dict.viewvalues() on Python 2.7 and dict.values() on Python 3.

  • six.viewitems(dictionary)

    Return a view over dictionary‘s items. This replaces dict.viewitems() on Python 2.7 and dict.items() on Python 3.


py3中print语句没有了,取而代之的是print()函数。 Python 2.6与Python 2.7部分地支持这种形式的print语法。因此保险起见,新写的代码最好都使用print函数。

from __future__ import print_function
print("fish", "panda", sep=', ')


在 Python 3 中处理异常也轻微的改变了,在 Python 3 中我们现在使用 as 作为关键词。

捕获异常的语法由 except exc, var 改为 except exc as var

使用语法except (exc1, exc2) as var可以同时捕获多种类别的异常。 Python 2.6已经支持这两种语法。

  • 在2.x时代,所有类型的对象都是可以被直接抛出的,在3.x时代,只有继承自BaseException的对象才可以被抛出。
  • 2.x raise语句使用逗号将抛出对象类型和参数分开,3.x取消了这种奇葩的写法,直接调用构造函数抛出对象即可。


raise BaseException('fdf')
except BaseException as err:



from six.moves.cPickle import loads

Supported renames:

Name Python 2 name Python 3 name

builtins __builtin__ builtins

configparser ConfigParser configparser

copyreg copy_reg copyreg

cPickle cPickle pickle

cStringIO cStringIO.StringIO() io.StringIO

dbm_gnu gdbm dbm.gnu

_dummy_thread dummy_thread _dummy_thread

email_mime_multipart email.MIMEMultipart email.mime.multipart

email_mime_nonmultipart email.MIMENonMultipart email.mime.nonmultipart

email_mime_text email.MIMEText email.mime.text

email_mime_base email.MIMEBase email.mime.base

filter itertools.ifilter() filter()

filterfalse itertools.ifilterfalse() itertools.filterfalse()

getcwd os.getcwdu() os.getcwd()

getcwdb os.getcwd() os.getcwdb()

http_cookiejar cookielib http.cookiejar

http_cookies Cookie http.cookies

html_entities htmlentitydefs html.entities

html_parser HTMLParser html.parser

http_client httplib http.client

BaseHTTPServer BaseHTTPServer http.server

CGIHTTPServer CGIHTTPServer http.server

SimpleHTTPServer SimpleHTTPServer http.server

input raw_input() input()

intern intern() sys.intern()

map itertools.imap() map()

queue Queue queue

range xrange() range

reduce reduce() functools.reduce()

reload_module reload() imp.reload(), importlib.reload() on Python 3.4+

reprlib repr reprlib

shlex_quote pipes.quote shlex.quote

socketserver SocketServer socketserver

_thread thread _thread

tkinter Tkinter tkinter

tkinter_dialog Dialog tkinter.dialog

tkinter_filedialog FileDialog tkinter.FileDialog

tkinter_scrolledtext ScrolledText tkinter.scrolledtext

tkinter_simpledialog SimpleDialog tkinter.simpledialog

tkinter_ttk ttk tkinter.ttk

tkinter_tix Tix tkinter.tix

tkinter_constants Tkconstants tkinter.constants

tkinter_dnd Tkdnd tkinter.dnd

tkinter_colorchooser tkColorChooser tkinter.colorchooser

tkinter_commondialog tkCommonDialog tkinter.commondialog

tkinter_tkfiledialog tkFileDialog tkinter.filedialog

tkinter_font tkFont tkinter.font

tkinter_messagebox tkMessageBox tkinter.messagebox

tkinter_tksimpledialog tkSimpleDialog tkinter.simpledialog

urllib.parse See six.moves.urllib.parse urllib.parse

urllib.error See six.moves.urllib.error urllib.error

urllib.request See six.moves.urllib.request urllib.request

urllib.response See six.moves.urllib.response urllib.response

urllib.robotparser robotparser urllib.robotparser

urllib_robotparser robotparser urllib.robotparser

UserDict UserDict.UserDict collections.UserDict

UserList UserList.UserList collections.UserList

UserString UserString.UserString collections.UserString

winreg _winreg winreg

xmlrpc_client xmlrpclib xmlrpc.client

xmlrpc_server SimpleXMLRPCServer xmlrpc.server

xrange xrange() range

zip itertools.izip() zip()

zip_longest itertools.izip_longest() itertools.zip_longest()


import six.moves.configparser
import six.moves.cPickle
import six.moves.cStringIO
import six.moves.filter
import six.moves.filterfalse
import six.moves.getcwd
import six.moves.http_cookies
import six.moves.html_entities
import six.moves.html_parser
import six.moves.http_client
import six.moves.BaseHTTPServer
import six.moves.CGIHTTPServer
import six.moves.SimpleHTTPServer
import six.moves.input
import six.moves.map
import six.moves.queue
import six.moves.range
import six.moves.reduce
import six.moves.socketserver
import six.moves.zip
import six.moves.zip_longest
import six.moves.urllib.parse
import six.moves.urllib.error
import six.moves.urllib.request
import six.moves.urllib.response




class Person(object):
def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
self.first = firstname
self.last = lastname
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp((self.last, self.first), (other.last, other.first))
def __repr__(self):
return "%s %s" % (self.first, self.last)


from functools import total_ordering
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
self.first = firstname
self.last = lastname
def __eq__(self, other):
return ((self.last, self.first) == (other.last, other.first))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return ((self.last, self.first) < (other.last, other.first))
def __repr__(self):
return "%s %s" % (self.first, self.last)


def cmp(x, y):
Replacement for built-in function cmp that was removed in Python 3
Compare the two objects x and y and return an integer according to
the outcome. The return value is negative if x < y, zero if x == y
and strictly positive if x > y.
return (x > y) - (x < y)


在python2中,.sort() or sorted() 函数有一个 cmp参数,这个参数决定了排序。

>>> def cmp_last_name(a, b):
... """ Compare names by last name"""
... return cmp(a.last, b.last)
>>> sorted(actors, cmp=cmp_last_name)
['John Cleese', 'Terry Gilliam', 'Eric Idle', 'Terry Jones', 'Michael Palin']

在python3中,排序函数只有一个 key参数,这个参数指定的函数直接返回用于进行排序的键值。

>>> def keyfunction(item):
... """Key for comparison by last name"""
... return item.last
>>> sorted(actors, key=keyfunction)
['John Cleese', 'Terry Gilliam', 'Eric Idle', 'Terry Jones', 'Michael Palin']


其实还有一个办法搞定历史遗留代码迁移,那就是直接使用python3运行脚本代码,遇报错则在 Conservative Python 3 Porting Guide中查找相关事项,并根据建议作相应改动。

The End!

文章作者 Jeremy Xu

上次更新 2020-06-05

许可协议 © Copyright 2020 Jeremy Xu


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