Walker CX Solution for B2B Companies

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.qualtrics.com/marketplace/walker-b2b-customer-experience/
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XM Solution Guided Program

Walker CX Solution for B2B Companies

Measure customer loyalty and assess financial risk at the account level to improve customer retention, seize new opportunities, and grow your business.

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Walker Loyalty Matrix™

Measure and monitor your B2B relationships to guide your CX strategy, pinpoint key improvements, and manage relationships account by account. Walker’s methodology has helped hundreds of B2B companies reduce customer churn and seize new opportunities to grow their business.

B2B is different. Your CX program should be too.

Long sales cycles, complicated purchasing committees, multi-layered supply chains – these characteristics and many others create difficult challenges for customer experience leaders in business-to-business companies.

You need more than overall satisfaction scores and indicators of problem areas. You need to be able to manage customer relationships at a granular level – account by account and contact by contact.

With Walker’s CX Solution you get a unique view into which accounts are at risk and need intervention. You identify the accounts that are loyal and ready to expand their business. And you can even determine which accounts may feel trapped in their relationship with you and may be considering other alternatives. What’s more, by combining this with financial data you can determine the extent of risk to your business.

At the heart of Walker’s proprietary approach is the Walker Loyalty Matrix™ – a practical framework that helps you monitor and improve customer experience at all levels: account, functional, and strategic.

More than surveys – a complete approach

Walker has helped hundreds of companies cut through the complexity that is inherent in business-to-business relationships.

With this solution you will: 

  • Gather feedback with surveys developed by B2B CX experts with decades of experience.
  • Leverage Walker’s proprietary Loyalty Matrix to segment customers in a practical way that prompts action.
  • Connect to account-level financial data to have a clear picture of your financial risk.
  • Deliver clear and concise dashboards that provide the right information to the right people at the right time – ready for them to take action.

Outcomes Delivered

  1. Develop a highly personalized experience account by account
  2. Identify and salvage accounts that are at risk of leaving
  3. Identify and pursue upsell opportunities with your most loyal customers
  4. Combine experience data (X data) and operational data (O data) to maximize the impact of your CX program
  5. Filter by branch, store, or other business units to create benchmarks for performance

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