Job Detail | NXLog Recruitment Center

 2 years ago
source link: https://application.nxlog.org/jobs/detail/rust-developer-39
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Jobs /

Rust Developer

Worldwide, Remote

We are looking for a seasoned systems programmer with good Rust programming skills to help us build software that is efficient, scalable, lean, and cloud-friendly.


  • At least 2 years of programming experience with Rust.

  • 5+ years in systems programming, which may include other languages (C++, go, etc).

  • Network programming skills.

  • Multithreaded programming knowledge.

  • Experience with SSL/TLS APIs.

  • Good algorithmic skills.

  • Debugging, profiling, and performance optimization skills.

  • Secure coding practices.

  • Care for the quality and readability of your code.

  • Passionate to hack on Linux systems while also feeling at home on Windows. Multi-platform development experience.

Nice to have:

  • Java programming experience,

  • Experience in building distributed systems,

  • Build automation,

  • Prior experience working as a software architect.

  • Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP),

  • Master's degree in Information Technology or similar,

  • Customer-oriented and able to communicate in English,

Most importantly you should be a quick learner and eager to jump on and understand new technologies.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK