WhatsApp Announces Communities, Message Reactions, and More

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/whatsapp-announces-communities-message-reactions-and-more-535228.shtml
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Communities bring multiple groups under the same roof

WhatsApp has announced a new set of improvements for its messaging platform, and the highlight this time is the introduction of a new feature called Communities.

Supposed to bring all similar groups under the same roof, Communities make it possible to receive updates much easier, while also providing IT admits with new capabilities, including announcements.

“Communities on WhatsApp will enable people to bring together separate groups under one umbrella with a structure that works for them. That way people can receive updates sent to the entire Community and easily organize smaller discussion groups on what matters to them.  Communities will also contain powerful new tools for admins, including announcement messages that are sent to everyone and control over which groups can be included,” the Facebook-owned company announced.

The company guarantees Communities support end-to-end encryption, so all conversations remain private.

“This security technology has truly never been more necessary to protect people’s privacy and safety. Close knit groups — schools, members of a religious congregation, even businesses — very much want and need to be able to have secure and private conversations without WhatsApp monitoring their every word,” it says.

More features going live on WhatsApp

WhatsApp has also announced a series of other new features for groups.

First and foremost, WhatsApp now supports audio calls with no more, no less than 32 people. Sure, it won’t be easy to talk to 31 other individuals, but WhatsApp allows you to do this, so for companies still relying on remote working, this may come in handy.

Then, the file sharing support has been increased to 2GB, a feature that was discovered in beta builds earlier this month. Group admins will also be allowed to delete certain messages from all chats.

And one of the most important features added as part of this update is support for reactions, though for now, they are exclusive to group chats.

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