Announcing onlineLISTtools.com

 2 years ago
source link: https://catonmat.net/online-list-tools
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Announcing onlineLISTtools.com

Last updated 4 weeks ago

At Browserling we're building a network of online tools websites. Each site focuses on one and only one tool category. Each tool does one and only one thing.

Today we're releasing a new network site – Online List Tools.

Online List Tools offers a collection of simple, free, and easy-to-use list processing utilities. There are no intrusive ads, popups, or other garbage, just list utilities that work in your browser. Load a list and instantly get the result!


Here's a list of all list tools so far:

Here are the upcoming list tools:

  • Split a List
  • Change List Length
  • Append Items to a List
  • Generate the Powerlist
  • Find the Car of a List
  • Find the Cdr of a List
  • Apply a Function on a List
  • Find Non-repeating List Items
  • Find Repeating List Items
  • Delete Repeating List Items
  • Delete Unique List Items
  • Extract a Sublist from a List
  • Shift List Items
  • Mirror a List
  • Invert a List
  • Reduce a List
  • Convert a List to Rows
  • Convert a List to Excel
  • Convert a List to PDF
  • Convert a Text List to a LaTeX List
  • Convert a Text List to a HTML List
  • Convert a Text List to a Markdown List
  • Zip Two Lists
  • Merge Two Lists
  • Pop List Items
  • Push List Items
  • Replace List Items
  • Splice a List
  • Remove List Item Bullets
  • Remove List Item Counter
  • Create the Empty List
  • Create a Random List
  • Color List Items
  • Visualize a List
  • Let Zalgo Destroy a List

The other websites in the network are:

The next few sites are onlineSETtools, onlineHASHtools, onlineCRYPTOtools, onlineTIMEtools, onlineBITMAPtools, onlinePDFtools, onlineBROWSERtools, onlineAUDIOtools, onlineCSStools, onlineJStools, and a dozen more.

See you next time!

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