Google Finally Announces the Switch to Android App

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/google-finally-announces-the-switch-to-android-app-535255.shtml
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The app is specifically aimed at iPhone users

We’ve known for a while that Google was working on a Switch to Android app specifically aimed at iPhone users, and earlier this month, this app has actually been spotted in the App Store.

The Mountain View-based search giant, however, hasn’t said a single thing about it at first. This week, it all changes, as the company has launched a dedicated website for the app and confirmed for TechCrunch that the rollout has started.

The Switch to Android app is supposed to make the transmission from iPhone to Android more straightforward and convenient by automatically moving messages, contacts, photos, videos, and apps.

Of course, the migration of apps is the one that’s posing one particular challenge.

“Almost all the apps you use and love are also available on Android, along with thousands more that are exclusively available in the Play store. So you’ll be able to continue using all the amazing apps you use today, and discover new ones you never knew about!” Google explains.

Moving all data for you

“Most apps that are available for free will move over when you use a cable to transfer your data. For apps that you purchased on your iPhone, we recommend contacting the app developer to see what they offer for customers moving to a new device.”

Needless to say, iMessage will be disabled, but Google tells users to disable this app before starting the switch to make sure you receive the standard text messages on your Android device.

As for WhatsApp, all the data is automatically migrated to Android.

“Now, you can also bring your WhatsApp history with you. When prompted during the transfer process, scan a QR code on your iPhone to launch WhatsApp. This will move all your cherished memories, photos, voice messages and more over to your new Android. We are working with more app developers to enable similar experiences for you,” Google says.

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