Netflix Rocked By Subscriber Loss, May Offer Cheaper Ad-Supported Plans

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.slashdot.org/story/22/04/19/2359205/netflix-rocked-by-subscriber-loss-may-offer-cheaper-ad-supported-plans
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Netflix Rocked By Subscriber Loss, May Offer Cheaper Ad-Supported Plans
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An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Netflix said inflation, the war in Ukraine and fierce competition contributed to a loss of subscribers for the first time in more than a decade and predicted more contraction ahead, marking an abrupt shift in fortune for a streaming company that thrived during the pandemic. Netflix's 26% tumble after the bell on Tuesday erased about $40 billion of its stock market value. Since it warned in January of weak subscriber growth, the company has lost nearly half of its value. The lagging subscriber growth prompted Netflix for the first time to say it might offer lower-priced version of the service with advertising. [...] In addition to advertising-supported plans, the company is also looking to generate additional revenue from customers who share their account with friends or family outside their home.

by Rotting ( 7243 ) on Wednesday April 20, 2022 @09:05AM (#62461584)

It's $22 in Canada per month, compared to other streaming services that are roughly $6 to $10. Perhaps they should stop increasing the price every couple months?

To quote Elon Musk, "This woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable."

Perhaps Elon is correct? I tried renewing my subscription for one show I like, and ended up cancelling a week later when I finished watching. There was nothing else that looks appealing or interesting, but a lot of things that clearly didn't. Are they sacrificing their quality to goals of equity and inclusion?
  • Censorship is basically forcing what would otherwise be an opinion.

    I personally find green to be my favorite color. I don't believe it's morally correct to just stand by and allow people to go through life choosing their own favorite color.

    I've been erasing as much content that deals with the other colors as I can. But now my subscriber base is mostly only filled with the saturated market of people that like the color green.

    What can I do *shrug*?

  • Re:

    I don't really see why that would be a problem. Does that somehow make the shows unwatchable?
    • Yes it does , it's the exact reason I stopped paying for the service
    • Re:

      Only to bigots. I'm going with 'no big loss'.

      Really, I haven't heard this kind of crap for decades. I remember a friend's father complaining that "n*** are taking over everything!" when he'd see shows like Good Times or Amen come on.

      It's long past time they got over it.

      • Re:

        You know, their issue is that the remaining userbase is getting too small to sustain them.

        So if only bigots are unsatisfied with the content.... then perhaps these bigots are the norm and you are some kind of mutant.

        In your eyes that makes you a more advanced, better version of a human being... and just like Magneto, people who agree with you have no problem proclaiming how all those bigots aren't a big loss and why don't we just kill them... like, we could mark them somehow, destroy their ability to earn a

        • Re:

          It's the same thing with the Disney fracas. Conservatives have more children than liberals by a wide margin, so who is bringing their children to Disney? Know thy customer.
          • Re:

            LOL! Disney is doing just fine without you and your bigot friends.

        • Re:

          That is very obviously false.

          Sorry, kid, we've already won. Oh, and racist pricks like you are the evil ones.

      • Re:

        Heavy-handed moralizing and formulating everything by a strict code of quotas does not enhance quality. This has always been true although the rules and taboos in play do change over time.
        • Re:

          It's far more profitable. What does that tell you about the actual quality?

      • Re:

        YOU are representative of the reason why people don't like the service anymore. To you, it couldn't possibly be that others just don't like the programming. Oh no, if they don't like programming YOU like, they're bigots.

        Matter of fact, you're a prime example of the current intolerance movement going on now in the world. Otherwise known as cancel culture. Stupid asses, all of you.

        • Oh no, if they don't like programming YOU like, they're bigots.

          LOL! What? No, they're bigots because they can't stand to see non-straight and non-white people on TV.

          YOU are representative of the reason why people don't like the service anymore.

          No, they're losing subscribers because they're priced higher than competing services and have less content. The "woke" programming you seem to hate is what's keeping them afloat. That's why people subscribe, watch what they want, then cancel until the next show they want comes out.

        • Re:

          Actually it was the OP who claimed that the reason he didn't want to watch anything was that it was too "woke", the GP was only replying to that sentiment.

          Your comment makes zero sense in that context. You're saying that the GP is engaged in "cancel culture" because he was arguing that bigots always bigot? What?

          (And WTF is cancel culture anyway? The term keeps being used to describe stuff that's been going on for the 50 odd years I've been on this planet, but you all act as if it's something new. Also

      • Re:

        Ah yes, resorting to ad hominem attacks, a classic.

        Imagine watching the new Batman, Lt Gordon says 'he can't do it alone, help him!' and Batman stops fighting The Riddler to go on a 15 minute tirade about his preferred pronouns as someone who identifies as a bat, his furry sexual inclinations, etc.

        It feels forced, detracts from the storyline, and takes you out of the immersion for politics when all you wanted to do was be entertained.

    • Re:

      It's as it is with everyting: moderate woke is good and critical for civility; exaggerated woke is embarrasing, making a farce of civility, and thus counterproductive:(
  • Partially. Their initial business model that led to explosive growth involved renting the past 70 years of TV syndication and prosaic movie rentals.

    Once that turned them into one of the most valuable companies, owners of old stuff either formed their own streaming service, or leased content to startups with furious cash to spend building market.

    At that point, Netflix turned into another TV network, generating its own content, with all the associated mediocrity. A few hits which people burn through. Much baloney sandwiches people do not clamor for.

    People would rather re-watch hits than brand spankin' new baloney filler. And Netflix no longer has most of those, being outbid by giant pots of gold they used to offer themselves.

    As for woke, in a rare moment of honesty some years back, one of their execs admitted their internal tracking showed people did not like it, then doubled down on Netflix-qua-America-needs-a-learnin' as core mission.

    • Re:

      Well this is always been the bottom line fundamental issue when it comes to this business. Its what under pins the piracy discussion as well. The stuff simply isn't worth what the asking price is because there is already so much good content out there. The same is largely true of books.

      There is of course a timeliness to some entertainment and artistic works. So there will always be a market for some new content; but the reality is far to much is being produced because existing copyright law, and industry

    • Re:

      What happens when all those other services die when their venture capital runs out? This seems like the reality - netflix is getting pummeled because other services are being run at a loss. It seems like at some point the media production companies are going to figure out that they are actually making less money and reaching less viewers in a fractured streaming media landscape like we have today. As long as netflix can make it through the hump, they can just start their licenses back up once the other s
      • Apple has infinity dollars to spend....they can push Apple TV at a loss forever.
      • Re:

        Yeah, then you'll have streaming aggregators... one price, one login, no commercials (at first), super easy with everything all together for less than individual subscriptions. They could probably even sell or provide a simple hardware solution to help, nothing more than a small box you plug the cables into.

        You could call it a cable box and call it cable TV! What an idea!!/s

        TBH I think many content owner/creators realized just how much netflix was worth and how trivial (in context at scale ofc) the back

  • Re:

    Not even close.
    Netflix has been losing content for a long while now. I am surprise it took this long.
    If anything, they didn't make enough 'woke bullshit' to cover the content they lost.
    • Re:

      No shit. It pisses me off whenever Netflix or some other streaming service decides to yank content. The Lifehacker "what's coming to and leaving ServiceX this month" articles should not have a "leaving" section.
      • Re:

        They don't 'yank' content. Whatever licensing agreement they have for it comes to its end.
        • Re:

          Hmm... If only licensing agreements could be renewed.

          (Not arguing, just noting.)

          • Re:

            They often can't. You think Disney wants their stuff on Netflix now they have their own streaming service? Likewise HBO?

            In the end most of the stuff Netflix carries is likely to go, being replaced purely by the stuff they've made themselves together with content from a handful of groups that aren't part of the big studios. This is interesting on multiple levels, as I suspect it means that the two big pioneers of streaming really don't have anywhere to go. Netflix will be an also-ran. Hulu, as just anothe

            • Re:

              Sure, but is part of that because Netflix wants/ed too much money to carry content and helped push those companies into creating their own platforms? I think Netflix was/is too greedy, they thought their platform was too unique for others to replicate, and/or that people wouldn't want to subscribe to multiple services? That last one does apply to me. I only have Amazon Prime as I also use it buy stuff I can't (easily or literally) get locally and have no interest in subscribing to multiple services, even

            • Re:

              Yup. I use Amazon Prime for my streaming, basically because I also have it for shopping for things I can't (easily or literally) get locally. I refuse to subscribe to separate / individual streaming services to watch a few, or often one, show. I'll either wait for them to become available on Amazon or network TV or I just won't get to see them. I imagine my world will keep on spinning... I've thought about also subscribing to Netflix, but don't really need more options and/or things to watch.

              I imaging

            • Re:

              Consumers are going to just skip instead of having to deal with all these micro-subscriptions. I'm not a football fan, but I thought about watching the last superbowl as I do on occasion. Sure enough, I couldn't stream it anywhere without a subscription. Why would I pay to sit through a bunch of superbowl ads? It wasn't worth the hassle.
      • Re:

        It was the expiration of licensing agreements. Look at the Marvel content like Jessica Jones and Daredevil. Whether you like them or not, when Disney introduced Disney+ they started working on taking back Marvel and Star Wars content, I think the Han Solo film was the last Star Wars asset to remain on Netflix, and now I think it's gone as well. Star Trek the same with Paramount floating its own service. Netflix was king when there was little in the way of streaming competition, but when Disney and the netwo

        • Re:

          In a fun twist of irony, the last season of better call saul...isn't on netflix!


  • Ostensibly, Disney is also being boycotted for being "too woke". Funny thing is, every time I check the app which lists the wait times of the various attractions, the parks are still completely packed.

    Netflix is not a sporting goods store that misunderstood its customer demographics and went anti-2A. It's a entertainment service that used to offer a wide variety of content. They've lost the rights to much of what they use to have (ironically, some of it to so-called "woke" Disney and Paramount), and as t

    • Re:

      The people boycotting Disney probably haven't been customers in decades. They'll forget about it in a few months anyway when the nutjob echo chamber moves on to the next fake outrage to keep people worked up.
      • Re:

        Perhaps you are incorrect? We have had numerous families we know that are Disney die-hards (once a year park trips, all the movies in the theatre) just... stop. They cancelled their cruises/trips and have just stopped being overt about their Disney fandom. Will it last? Who knows, but at least two couples told us that Disney had lost their trust. Pretty hard to rebuild that.

        I know it is tempting to be dismissive about views you don't agree with, but this feels a lot bigger than 'fake outrage'. When you sta
        • Re:

          I suspect these people probably gave up on Disney for other reasons. Bear in mind Disney's been unattractive to visit for two years for most people, and two years is a lot of time for kids to develop other interests.

          Disney isn't "woke", they've been studiously avoiding saying anything at all about Florida's proposed purge of gay teachers. They've banned almost all references to LGBT concepts in their movies. That's despite employees begging them to speak out and take a stand on the Florida law and other

    • Re:

      This is exactly why I dumped Netflix 5 years ago. Lack of content. I used to use a browser extension to watch US Netflix that had 10 times the content of the Australian one but when they made that hard I just cancelled it and went back to channel BT.

  • Re:

    Hey, now "Putin did it!", despite "Cuties" being in court and "He's Expecting" on trending.

    Only 30% of Americans aren't repulsed by that and less internationally.

    But at least they won't get yelled at by the HR intern while they go broke! The shareholders must be thrilled.

  • Re:

    The only mind virus I've noticed is this notion that everything in the world revolves around politics. Most people aren't cancelling Netflix over their politics (whatever those may be).

    Nothing has changed politically about Netflix since it began producing its own content almost 10 years ago. Rather, it has increasingly lost rights to non-Netflix produced content as major studios have realized that they no longer need a middleman to distribute their content and have refused to renew or priced Netflix out. Ne

  • Re:

    To some degree its a rock and hard place.

    Its *more* though not exclusively an issue with the left ( see the current conservative movement against Disney). The problem is if Netflix actually produced a say a film where "a young man struggles with homosexuality, finds faith and overcomes his disordered desires" it would not be enough for anyone to just not watch, they'd have a riot on their hands. You can't even side step the issue by just avoid hot button subjects now either, because what those are shifts so

    • Re:

      The problem with that sort of content is that it would have no major demographic interested in watching it. None of us gays are interested in seeing that shit, and the average straight person really doesn't have the "LGBTQ+ agenda" living rent-free in their head.

      Netflix producing a movie that depicts the USA bringing back modern-day slavery would go over equally as poorly. Times have changed. [wikipedia.org]

  • Re:

    Going out on a limb here and guessing you’re pushing 60 and Fox News has riled you up about Netflix putting too many brown people in shows.

  • Re:

    He's not. Which shows are so "woke" as to cause subscriber drop? Was it the show about if cakes look like things? Reruns of Seinfeld? I saw someone say the documentary series about National Parks was "woke" because it's narrated by Barack Obama.

    Netflix is losing subs because some of their shows can be quite good but there's so many that it can get drowned out by the crap and their feature film division is pretty miss except for things that have big existing talent behind them and even some of those are pr

  • TV has always been woke as fuck because a) gays are "woke", and b) lots of gay folks go into showbiz because it's safe for Gays there and b) Gays are edgy and controversial and that makes good TV.

    In the 60s the network did a big crackdown on anything controversial. Every show turned into Little House on the Prairie. It was a ratings disaster, and when they backed off (after buying off a few senators so they could be sure they could) they stuck gay characters in all their shows for edginess. Ratings bona
      • It still works. I'm old enough to remember when it WAS blacks instead of gays because blacks interacting with white people as equal was controversial.

        Controversy sells. Progressive ideas are inherently controversial. They wouldn't be progressive if they weren't, at best they'd be conservative (not right wing, there's a difference).
  • Re:

    The spectrum of shows and movies available on Netflix is much broader then has ever been available on broadcast TV or even on cable. There are plenty of conservative shows, such as "The Ranch," as well as more liberal shows or movies, such as "Prom," and major historical titles, like "Seinfeld." I'm not so much defending Netflix as I am sick of the whining. Never in the history of TV have viewers been able to find so much content tailor-made just for their tastes and on-demand whenever they want. When I was
    • Re:

      Look it up. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

      And no, it is not a buzz-word. It actually describes well that a large part of society (not just conservatives) find that parts of the entertainment industry are "following an intolerant and moralising ideology" (see above link).

      • Re:

        The only people using the word are conservatives. It’s a talking point to keep them angry. They rotate it out with critical race theory and border security. Know how many public schools teach critical race theory? Zero. It’s barely even taught at colleges. Imagine their shock when CRT examines how the Irish were treated in this country along side other minorities.

        • Re:

          I don't agree. Neither Elon Musk or Bill Maher are for example conservative. But please provide documentation for your claim.

          I do agree that it is a talking point in the sense that it is a concept which is readily understood by the recipients. But I do hope that you understand that the reason that many people are opposed to wokeness is that they are strongly politically opposed to the authoritanism that it embodies. I do of course recognize that the US also has a religious right which is just as intolerant

          • Re:

            What is the auth woke left trying to make you do?

            • Re:

              both/all sides have good points and bad points... jlar comments and gives and example to that end

              he answered you in good faith but your response comes across as being intentionally obtuse for disenguous provocation; maybe I got it wrong, just seems that way

      • People have been saying that since we have had entertainment. It's nothing new to Hollywood or television or even books and music, we just now have the internet to complain to everyone about it whereas it used to be in letters to the editor in your newspaper or you'd just write the network directly.

        Entertainment is going to both push boundaries and follow cultural norm shifts. Its a circular thing as culture shifts the entertainment shifts and one feeds the other. It's a real chicken and egg thing.

        Conservatives are venting this because they spent the last 60 years ceding all of culture and entertainment to the liberals because they never encouraged people to go into the arts, and as far as I have been alive pretty much denigrated the idea of pursuing art, music and any other cultural profession and now they are shocked that there are few conservative voices in those mediums.

      • Re:

        As Roger Ebert used say "a movie is about what it's about". It's not the premise that is often the problem, it's often the execution. I mean, Look Whose Coming To Dinner is pretty much the premier 1960s "woke" film, and yet it's so well done; the writing is spot on, the acting is excellent (which is amazing, since Spencer Tracey was pretty much on his deathbed during the shoot), that whether you feel the message is moralizing, the film is engaging.

        The problem isn't with moralizing. That's long been a part o

    • Nah, it's not quite that simple. Though there's probably some of that as well. The Great American Dialog has long since devolved into a shouting match putting each other down for (perceived, assumed) membership of the wrong group, rather than on what the other guy might have to say.

      "Stay woke" started out as a rallying cry. For an ideology that has Ideas and gets Preachy about them. It quickly turned into a term meaning "oh dear, there's those preachy kids with them ideas again".

      I for me can't watch Netfl

      • Re:

        Still too many terrible brown people.

      • Re:

        Bridgerton - is watched because its a thinly disguised porno.

        Reality is there is a lot of the American public that really enjoys and wants to watch porn but not have to admit they want to watch or are watching porn to themselves.

      • Re:

        The problem is that white guys did play these roles. Christ, people still love Breakfast at Tiffanies, but Mickey Rooney as a caricature Asian is just awful. John Wayne played Ghengis Khan, for chrissakes, and up until very recently it was white actors who played the part of Othello.

      • Re:

        Really weird to bring up (as you even admitted) the most popular show on Netflix as an example of "go woke go broke" when it is apparently a prime example of just the opposite, a "woke" show with likely ahistorical casting and is wildly successful. It's probably the worst example you could use when there are plenty of shows that did the same and failed.

        The truth is even though I haven't watched it (it doesn't interest me) is people seem to find Birdgerton well written, well acted and very entertaining, h

      • Re:

        Confuses me no end how watching shows that are predominantly full of white people is somehow not diverse. I watch a variety of shows in their original languages ( some with subtitles because I'm not a polyglot yet!) like cop shows from Finland, Sweden, France, Spain and Italy. Some drama shows form Germany, Poland, Croatia and Denmark. Shows specifically made by/with indigenous peoples like Polynesians, Sámi and Roma. Science fiction from South Korea, Thailand, Norway and Japan.

        Maybe I missed somethi

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